The directory «Plots»
Pinto Fernão Mendes
Portuguese traveler and pirat. For some 20 years he traveled in Africa and Asia, journeying to far places and experiencing great hardships, including years as a slave. His account, Peregrinação [wanderings] (1614), is one of the most colorful narratives of world travel literature. Its truthfulness has been questioned, but there is now general agreement that the story is merely exaggerated.
France, 2009, Fernao Mendes Pinto & Vasco da Gama
Macao, 1951, Fernao Mendes Pinto
Macao, 1951, Fernao Mendes Pinto
Portugal, 1980, Pinto in Japan
Portugal, 1980, Sea Battle
Portugal, 2010, Fernao Mendes Pinto