Dmitry Karasyuk's author's project

Concept of the project

This Internet-site represents attempt of creation of the interactive thematic catalogue of philatelic materials. Easier speaking, after twenty years of a collecting stamps, I have decided to systematize the collections.

All catalogues, which are presented on a site have the general principle of acquisition. A basis is the theme of the image of stamp, postmark or an envelope. The concept "theme" is treated widely enough, however in each concrete case probably full substantiation of conformity of a concrete philatelic material to a considered theme is given.

Non-Philatelic materials (not marked envelopes, envelopes of the first day (without postmark) in the present catalogue are not considered.

Search of any stamp is possible on its plot, on the country of release, on the artist, if image on the stamp is created by motives of a work of art. Besides the list of artists, which products have got on a site, represents the separate catalogue, which can interest by the collectors, specializing on a theme "Painting".

The Catalogued philatelic materials are located in following sequence: stamps, postmarks, envelopes, cards. Inside of each position philatelic releases are located by the countries of release.

About stamps are informed: the country, year of release, the name of a series, the size of perforating, number under the catalogue, the description of image of stamp, colors. More often numbers of stamps are given under catalogue Michel. It is base. Besides numbers of stamps are whenever possible specified under catalogues Yvert et Tellier, Stanley Gibbons, Scott, Unificato. Numbering of stamps of the USSR is given under the catalogue of Central philatelic agency "Souzpechat" (1918-1980) and to annual additions to it, numbers of marks of the Russian Federation - under annual catalogues ITC "Marka". Numbers of marks of the self-proclaimed countries (Pridnestrovskaja the Moldavian Republic, Abkhazia) are given under the catalogue "Stamps of republics of the former USSR " under edition of V. Jakobs. In several cases catalogue numbers are absent at all, it concerns to the latest and to several local releases. Especially it is necessary to tell about overprints. Those are included in the present catalogue only if text or image have the direct attitude to a theme of the catalogue. Overprints new face value or the new countries of circulation of stamps are not included.

Information about postmarks are: the country, date of use, settlement where the stamp was applied, the brief description of figure of a postmarks.

Information about envelopes and cards are: the country and year of release, serial numbers, the brief description of a plot of an envelope or original stamp. Numbers are given under catalogue ‘Michel Ganzachen-Katalog”, catalogues ITS "Marka" and additions to it, catalogues under edition of V. Jakobs and to the bulletin "The Bulletin of Philately ".

All used catalogues are listed in section "Bibliography".

I express the most intimate gratitude to everyone who has helped to me in work above the catalogue and a site, and first of all: to Jury Kvasnikov (Moscow), to Nadezjda Lobodina (Moscow), to Igor Tcherkasov (St.-Petersburg), to Valery Chobotov (St.-Petersburg), and also to Jose Tomas Buitrago (Colombia), to Alexander Gdalin (St.-Petersburg), to Michael Grudsky (St.-Petersburg), to Alexander Karaev (Ekaterinburg), to Leonid Karlov (Moscow), to Alexey Medvedev (Ekaterinburg), to Jury Moskvitin (Barnaul), to Valery Osokin (Vologda), to Evgeny Sofronov (Ekaterinburg), to Pavel Feoktistov (Ekaterinburg), to Genia Chvetsova (Paris), Creative artel the Internet-project "1812" and personally to Oleg Poljakov (Moscow), to scientific employees of the Museum-panorama "The Borodino fight " and personally to Sergey Vladimirovich Lvov.

Any objections, specifications, additions will be accepted with gratitude.


© 2003-2025 Dmitry Karasyuk. Idea, preparation, drawing up
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