Napoleon Bonaparte and his epoch
Dmitry Karasyuk's author's project

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The directory «Artists»

Schinkel Karl Friedrich

Schinkel Karl Friedrich  (1781—1841)

Schinkel was the most prominent architect of neoclassicism in Prussia. Born in Neuruppin (Brandenburg), he lost his father at the age of six in Neuruppin's disastrous fire. He became a student of Friedrich Gilly (1772-1800) and his father, David Gilly, in Berlin. After returning to Berlin from his first trip to Italy in 1805, he started to earn... More...

Berlin, 1981, Kreuzberg War Memorial

Burundi, 1984, Brandenburg Gate

Cooк Islands, 1984, Olympic Games Poster 1936

Ghana, 1992, Brandenburg gate

Grenada, 1988, Zeppelin over Brandenburg Gate

German Federal Republic, 1997.03.15, Berlin. K. F. Schinkel, Brandenburg Gate


© 2003-2024 Dmitry Karasyuk. Idea, preparation, drawing up
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