The directory «Artists»
Tropinin Vasily Andreevich
Vasily Tropinin was one of the major Russian artists active in the first half of the XIX century. He was born as a serf of Count A. Munich and then was given as a part of Munich»s daughter»s dowry to Count I. Morkov. Although his artistic talent and desire to paint were expressed early, he was sent by Count Morkov to St. Petersburg to learn to be... More...
Abkhazia, 1999, Pushkin, Aleksander I, Napoleon and Olenin
Russia, 1999, Pushkin. In right, near table — Bulgarin and Viazemsky
Transnistria, 1999, Pushkin and Monument to Suvorov
Transnistria, 1999, Pushkin and Monument to Suvorov