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Neruda Pablo

Neruda Pablo (1904–1973)

Chilean poet, diplomat, and Communist leader. He changed his original name, Neftalí Ricardo Reyes Basualto, so that his railroad-worker father would not discover that he was a poet. Neruda’s highly personal poetry brought him enormous acclaim. After 1927 he was in consular service in East Asia, Argentina, Mexico, and Europe. A surrealist, Neruda revitalized everyday expressions and employed bold metaphors in free verse. His evocative poems are filled with grief and despair and bespeak a quest for simplicity. They celebrate the dramatic Chilean landscape and rage against the exploitation of the indigenous people. In his writings and during his political career as a leader of the Chilean Communist party (which he joined in 1945) and as a diplomat, Neruda exerted a wide influence in Latin America. His many volumes of poetry include Crepusculario [twilight book] (1919, his first book), Twenty Love Poems and One Song of Despair (1924, tr. 1969), the surrealistic Residence on Earth and Other Poems (1933, tr. 1946), Canto general (1950), Elemental Odes (1954, tr. 1961), Nuevas odas elementales [new elemental odes] (1955), A New Decade: 1958–1967 (tr. 1969), Extravagaria (1958, tr. 1974), New Poems: 1968–1970 (tr. 1972), and Toward the Splendid City (tr. 1974). Neruda was awarded the 1971 Nobel Prize in Literature during his service as Chilean ambassador to France. Neruda died in Chile during the week of the 1973 military coup.

Chili, 1991, Pablo Neruda

Chili, 1996, Pablo Neruda and Gabriella Mistral

Chili, 2004, Pablo Neruda

Cuba, 1989, Pablo Neruda

Czechoslovakia, 1974, Pablo Neruda

DDR, 1974, Pablo Neruda

Equatorial Guinea, 2004, Pablo Neruda

Guinea, 2008, Pablo Neruda

Hungary, 1974, Pablo Neruda

Nicaragua, 1986, Pablo Neruda

Nicaragua, 2005, Pablo Neruda

Palau, 2001, Pablo Neruda

Paraguay, 1977, Medal of Nobel prize of Literature

Paraguay, 2004, Pablo Neruda

Poland, 1974, Pablo Neruda

Vietnam, 1974, Pablo Neruda

Chili, 1991.10.20, Santiago. Pablo Neruda

Czechoslovakia, 1974.01.04, Prague. Neruda

Hungary, 1974.09.11, Budapest. Pablo Neruda

Poland, 1974.12.31, Warsaw. Pablo Neruda


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