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The directory «Plots»

Vajda János

Vajda János (1827—1897)

János Vajda was born in Pest, but soon after his family moved to vál, a small town in Transdanubia. He started poetry early since his first published poem appeared in 1844. He was the youngest member of the youths of 1848, a group of young poets, writers and other intellectuals who played a leading role of the March revolution. After the fall of the Freedom fight against the Austrian Monarchy, he was recruited in the Austrian Army as a repercussion for his participation, and had to spend long years far from his homeland. When he eventually returned, he continued his literary carrier, and fought to maintain a high standard in poetry in the years when cheap epigonism and undemanding, low quality in art were commonplace. He also wrote against the gradually expanding imperialist ideas.

Hungary, 1977, Janos Vajda

Hungary, 1998, Leaders of the Revolution

Hungary, 2001, Janos Arany and Parliament


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