The directory «Plots»
Bolintineanu Dimitrie
Bolintineanu Dimitrie was editor, together with Boliac Cezar and Balcescu Nicolae at the revolution’s newspaper from 1848; editor during emigration of the magazine “Junimea romaneasca” in Paris, editor of the newspaper “Dambovita”, a fighter for unification; minister of education under Cuza Alexandru Ioan.
He published his first volumes of verses between 1847-1852 but he made his debut with an elegy O fata tanara pe patul mortii (A Dying Young Girl) in 1842 in Curierul de ambe sexe importing himself as a talented poet. He published till the end of his life over fifth volumes of verses and prose, intimate elegies, patriotic poetry, ballads, historical legends, satirical verses, poems, dramas.
He wrested in 1865 from his previous publications an anthology made up of the cycle Florile Bosforului (Bosfor’s Flowers), Legende istorice (Historical Legends), Basme, Macedoniile, Reverii, Diverse.
The historical legends made Bolintineanu a very popular poet. They are inspired from chronicles and folklore and are noticeable by the love for his country, the idea of freedom and unity communicated in harmonious verses. Than he versifies the legends which circulated throughout centuries in Mama lui Stefan cel Mare (Stefan cel Mare’s Mother), Tepes si solii (The Impader and the Messengers), Cea din urma noapte a lui Stefan cel Mare (The Last Night of Steve the Great). He proliferated the voyage memoirs. He tried to realive two novels: Manoil si Elena. His satirical verses have a classic influence and also his idylls included in the volume Florile Bosforului (Bosfor’s Flowers).
Rumania, 1960, Dimitrie Bolintineanu