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Frič Josef Václav

Frič Josef Václav (1829—1890)

Josef Václav Fric (alias M. Brodský) was a Czech writer, journalist, politician, and a foremost representative of Romanticism. He was son of a the lawyer and patriot Josef František Frič. Already with the attendance of the academic High School in Prague it decided to become a poet. In 1848 he was selected to the speaker of the radical student movement Slávie and was common after outbreak of the rebellion with Johann Rittig of one the leader of the students, who fought on the barricades. After striking down the Prager of rebellion in the year 1848 the leader of the student movement left Prague and changed into the Slowakei. Here he took part in the rebellion against the Hungary. After his return to Prague he created Boehmisch-Maehrisch brother shank (Ceskomoravské bratrstvo) with his Kampgenossen the association. It was arrested in the same year and condemned on May 10, 1851 because of landesverrat to eighteen years prison. It served the punishment in the Hungarian city Komárom, in which he wrote some his works. After his return he tried to publish a magazine in vain. In 1858 he was again arrested because of incorrigibleness and one year later with the condition to dismiss to emigrate immediately. It went to London, resettled however in the same year to Paris and later to Berlin. From the foreign country it led far inexorable fight against the Austrian monarchy .

The value conceptions Fric's were unrealistic. The hopelessness of its doing, tiredness, missing and the longing after its homeland forced to give up to it in addition its fight. In the seventies it lived in Budapest and Zagreb . The return to the homeland was approved to it only 1880. After its return it found a new world, which it did not understand. He found a generation with new value conceptions, to other longings. He dedicated himself thereupon only the literature and wrote for youth magazines. Politically it withdrew completely.

J. V. Fric wrote for many newspapers and magazines. Its poems Písne z bašty (songs from the Bastei), a collection of romantic poetry, only after his death one published. Continue to push it dramas over personalities of history ( Wenzel IV. , Svatopluk and Rostislav , Hynek z Podebrad ). 1855 it published the yearbook Lada Nióla, in which above all young authors could make their ideas public. It belonged likewise to the group of Májovci and worked together with them on the publication yearbook of the Máj .

Czechoslovakia, 1971, «Songs from the Wall» (J. V. Fric)


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