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Poradeci Lasgush
(pseudonym of Llazar Gusho)

Poradeci Lasgush (pseudonym of Llazar Gusho) (1900—1987)

The great Albanian poetry lyricist Lasgush Poradeci was born in the small city of Pogradec in 1899. His real name was Llazar Gusho. He finished the secondary school in Manastir and Athens, while he started university in Romania and finished it in Austria where he was certificated in physiological sciences.

He began publishing in '20, regarding himself as the 'bird of the skies', the popular poet and writer Ismail Kadare says. His love, physiological and patristical lyrics were included in the volumes " The dance of the stars" (1933) and "The star of the heart" (1937).

The official biography mentions him as a poet "that wrote several poems, in which he enhanced the ideals of the National Renaissance and criticized severely reactionary politicians of the time".

Albania, 1999, Lasgush Poradeci


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