The directory «Plots»
Miladinovi (Миладинови) brothers
and Konstantin
Dimiter and Konstantin Miladinovi were born in the town of Strouga situated by the beautiful Ochrida lake. Though coming from a modest family of a craftsman the two brothers received solid education. Dimiter first studied in the Greek school in Ochrida and then in the Greek secondary school in Yanina. Trained as a Hellehist teacher he lectured in... More...
Bulgaria, 1929, Konstantin Miladinov
Bulgaria, 1961, Dimiter and Konstantin Miladinovi
Bulgaria, 1986, Dimiter and Konstantin Miladinovi
Bulgaria, 2010, Dimitar Miladinov
Macedonia, 2005, Konstantin Miladinov
Macedonia, 2010, Dimitr Miladinov
Yugoslavia, 1961, Dimiter and Konstantin Miladinovi
Macedonia, 1996.08.22, Struga. Miladinov's brothers
Macedonia, 2001.06.22, Struga. Miladinov's brothers