Dmitry Karasyuk's author's project

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Andreyev (Àíäðååâ) Leonid Nikolayevich

Andreyev (Àíäðååâ) Leonid Nikolayevich(1871—1919)

Russian writer. Andreyev’s early stories were realistic studies of everyday life. Gorky was attracted by the note of social protest in his work and used his influence to obtain publication of Andreyev’s first volume of short stories. After an enormous initial success Andreyev turned to more metaphysical themes, frequently employing allegory and... More...

Slovenia, 1992, Marij Kogoj, «The Black Masks»

Russia, 1996, 125th Birth Anniv of Leonid Andreyev


© 2003-2025 Dmitry Karasyuk. Idea, preparation, drawing up
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