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Nezāmi Ganjavī (نظامی گنجوی)

Nezāmi Ganjavī (نظامی گنجوی)(1141—1209)

Nezāmi-ye Ganjavī, whose full name was Nizām ad-Dīn Abū Muhammad Ilyās ibn-Yusūf ibn-Zakī ibn-Mu'ayyid, is considered the greatest romantic epic poet in Persian literature, who brought a colloquial and realistic style to the Persian epic. His heritage is widely appreciated and shared by Azerbaijan, Iran,... More...

Azerbaijan, 2012, Museum of Literature

Iran, 1991, Nizami Gyandzhevi

USSR, 1958, Monument to Nizami Gyandzhevi in Baku

USSR, 1981, Nizami Gyandzhevi

USSR, 1981.09.29, Baku. Nizami Gyandzhevi

USSR, 1981.11.17, Moskow. Nizami Gyandzhevi

USSR, 1954, Monument to Nezāmi Ganjavī in Baku

USSR, 1954, Monument to Nezāmi Ganjavī in Baku

USSR, 1957, Monument to Nezāmi Ganjavī in Baku

USSR, 1960, Monument to Nezāmi Ganjavī in Baku

USSR, 1971, Monument to Nezāmi Ganjavī in Baku

USSR, 1977, Baku. «Bakhrama-Gyur» fontain

USSR, 1981, Nezāmi Ganjavī

USSR, 1991, Nezāmi Ganjavī

USSR, 1991, Carpet with picture from Nezāmi's poem

USSR, 1991, Carpet with picture from Nezāmi's poem

USSR, 1991, Carpet with picture from Nezāmi's poem

USSR, 1991, Carpet with picture from Nezāmi's poem

USSR, 1991, Carpet with picture from Nezāmi's poem

USSR, 1968.05.20, Monument to Nezāmi Ganjavī in Baku

USSR, 1975.11.05, Nezāmi Ganjavī monument in Zakatali

USSR, 1978.11.02, Museum of Azerbaijan literature in Baku

USSR, 1981.01.07, Nezāmi Ganjavī mavsoleum in Kirovobad

USSR, 1981.10.22, Nezāmi Ganjavī monument in Baku

USSR, 1984.04.17, Vazekh monument in Kirovobad

USSR, 1984.04.17, Nezāmi Ganjavī monument in Kirovobad

USSR, 1984.04.17, Nezāmi Ganjavī theatre in Kirovobad

USSR, 1991, 850th Birth Anniversary of Nizami Gyandzhevi


© 2003-2025 Dmitry Karasyuk. Idea, preparation, drawing up
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