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Kiekbaev (Êèåêáàåâ) Jalil Giniyatovich
Jalil Kiekbaev was born in the village of Karan-Yega, Gafur region, Bashkortostan. He finished a pedagogical college in Ufa, the Pedagogical Institute of foreign languages in Moscow. The past-graduate school of the linguistic institute of the USSR Academy of Science.
Hw was a Doctor of philological science, a proffesor. He took up literature in 1930s. He was very creative in the literature for children, besides he wrote different patriotic essays and stories. His novel “Relatives and acquantanees” is one of the first works, where the movement of the first Russian revolution on the territory of Bashkortostan is described with an ethic wideness. The innovation of the novel lies in the fact that the author describes the characters of Bashkir revdutionares.
Kiekbaev translated from German into Bashkir language a lot of waorks written by Goethe, Heine, brothers Grimm and others.
Russia, 2001, Dzhamil Kiekbaev