Dmitry Karasyuk's author's project

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The directory «Plots»

Erdman (Ýðäìàí) Nikolay Robertovich

Erdman (Ýðäìàí) Nikolay Robertovich  (1900—1970)

Nikolay Erdman was a Soviet dramatist and screenwriter primarily remembered for his work with Vsevolod Meyerhold in the 1920s. His plays, notably «The Suicide» (1928), form a link in Russian literary history between the satirical drama of Gogol and the post-World War II Theatre of the Absurd. Born to parents of Baltic German descent, Erdman was... More...

Russia, 1998, Scene from film «Volga-Volga»

Russia, 2003, Grigory Aleksandrov and his films

Russia, 2012, Vsevolod Sanayev in «Volga-Volga»

USSR, 1991, Igor Ilinsky in «Volga-Volga»

Russia, 2001, Birth Centenary of Actor Iliinsky

USSR, 1961, «Adventures of Murzilka» (screenplay of Erdman)

USSR, 1962.06.08, «Adventures of Murzilka» (screenplay of Erdman)


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