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The directory «Plots»

Ibragimov (Ибрагимов) Galimdzhan Girfanovich

Ibragimov (Ибрагимов) Galimdzhan Girfanovich  (1887—1938)

The writer, scientist, and public figure Galimdzhan Girfanovich Ibragimov was born on March 12, 1887 in the village Sultanmuratovo in the district of Sterlitamakski of the Ufa province (now the area Aurgazinsky of the Republic of Bashkorto stan). He received his initial formation in a rural medrece (Islamic school) and in a Russian elementary... More...

Russia, 2003, Galimzhyan Ibragimov

USSR, 1967, Galimzhan Ibragimov

USSR, 1968, Galimzhan Ibragimov


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