The directory «Plots»
Hadlaub Johans
Swiss Minnesänger of citizen stock, lived in Zurich, where he is recorded as having bought a house in 1302. His year of birth is unknown, as is also that of his death, but he was no longer alive in 1340. Hadlaub is the author of 54 extant poems, one of which refers to the Manesse collection of Minnelieder preserved in the Manessische Liederhandschrift, a designation which is now replaced by the Große Heidelberger Liederhandschrift.
Hadlaub's derivative and rather flat poetry, which is indebted to Walther von der Vogelweide, Neidhart von Reuental, and Steinmar, is not without ingenious invention. In addition to Minnelieder his range includes the Tagelied (four examples), and the Leich, as well as harvest and autumn songs. He is the subject of G. Keller's Novelle Hadlaub.
Switzerland, 1988, Johannes Hadlaub