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The directory «Plots»

Fedotov (Ôåäîòîâ) Pavel Andreevich

Fedotov (Ôåäîòîâ) Pavel Andreevich(1815—1852)

Pavel Fedotov was born in Moscow, in 1815, the son of a retired officer. Graduating from the Moscow Cadet School, he served for ten years in the Finland Regiment of the Imperial Guards in St. Petersburg. When still in the Army, Fedotov, like many of his fellow-officers, was concerned in art and occupied his leisure with playing the flute, taking... More...

USSR, 1952, Pavel Fedotov

USSR, 1965, «The Proposal of Marriage»

USSR, 1973, «The Young Widow»

USSR, 1976, «Fresh Partner»

USSR, 1976, «Fastidous Fiansee»

USSR, 1976, «Aristocrat's Breakfast»

USSR, 1976, «The Gamblers»

USSR, 1976, «The Outing»

USSR, 1976, Pavel Fedotov

USSR, 1965, Pavel Fedotov


© 2003-2025 Dmitry Karasyuk. Idea, preparation, drawing up
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