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Prishvin (Пришвин) Mikhail Mikhailovich

Prishvin (Пришвин) Mikhail Mikhailovich (1873–1954)

Mikhail Prishvin was a Russian writer. He was born into a family of a merchant in what is now Lipetsk Oblast. In 1893-1897, he studied at a polytechnic school in Riga and was once arrested for his involvement with the Marxist circles. In 1902, Prishvin graduated from Leipzig University with a degree in agronomics. During the World War I, he worked as a military journalist. After the war, Prishvin was employed as a publicist and then a rural teacher. He began writing for magazines in 1898, but his first short story was published in 1906. Prishvin's works are full of poetics, exceptional keenness of observation, and trustworthiness in describing nature. Many of his works were translated in different languages and became part of the gold fund of the Soviet children's literature. Mikhail Prishvin was awarded two orders.

USSR, 1973, Mikhail Prishvin

Russia, 1998, Mikhail Prishvin

Russia, 2003, Mikhail Prishvin

USSR, 1966, Deer

USSR, 1972, Mikhail Prishvin


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