All stamps
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Guinea, 2010, Louvre
Guinea, 2010, Napoleon I
Guinea, 2010, Napoleon I
Guinea, 2010, Napoleon III
Guinea, 2010, Verallies
Guinea, 2011, French presidents, Napoleon I
Guinea, 2011, French presidents, Napoleon I
Guinea, 2011, Jacques-Louis David
Guinea, 2011, Jean Champollion
Guinea, 2011, Rene Chateaubriand
Guinea, 2012, Paintings of 1812
Guinea, 2012, Versallies
Guinea, 2012, «Young Woman with a Letter», Napoleon
Guinea Bissau, 1989, La Marsellaise
Guinea Bissau, 2003, Louvre
Guinea Bissau, 2003, Louvre
Guinea Bissau, 2003, St. Isaak Cathedral
Guinea Bissau, 2003, St. Isaak Cathedral
Guinea Bissau, 2003, St. Isaak Cathedral
Guinea Bissau, 2003, War gallery of Winter palace
Guinea Bissau, 2004, Brandenburg gate
Guinea Bissau, 2007, Buildings of Paris
Guinea Bissau, 2007, Pantheon
Guinea Bissau, 2008, Bach, Brandenburg Gate
Guinea Bissau, 2008, Napoleon, Louvre
Guinea Bissau, 2008, Saragossa
Guinea Bissau, 2010, Lech Kaczynski, monument of Poniatowski
Guinea Bissau, 2012, Stamps with Russian Tsars
Guyana, 1991, Brandenburg Gate and Location plan
Guyana, 1991, Gensher and Kohl
Guyana, 1991, George Bush and Lech Walensa
Guyana, 1991, Statues of Brandenburg Gate
Guyana, 1992, Cat near Champ de Mars
Guyana, 1993, Coronation of Napoleon
Guyana, 1994, Allies entering Paris
Guyana, 1995, Bastilia day
Guyana, 1995, Soviet troops on Brandenburg Gate
Guyana, 1997, Scandola Nature Reserve. Corse
Guyana, 1999, Train near Notre-Dame de Paris
Guyana, 2001, The Quay of the Louvre
Guyana, 2005, Admiral Collingwood
Guyana, 2005, Admiral Nelson
Guyana, 2005, Allies entering Paris
Guyana, 2005, British ship hoisting signals to begin pincer movement
Guyana, 2005, Burial of Nelson
Guyana, 2005, First shots fired in Battle of Trafalgar
Guyana, 2005, Nelson and Hardy
Guyana, 2005, Nelson wounded, 1797
Haiti, 1904, Alexandre Sabès Pétion
Haiti, 1904, Alexandre Sabès Petion
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