The directory «Plots»
Goncourt, Edmond Louis Antoine Huot de
and Jules Alfred Huot de
French authors. Brothers, they were known, for their close association in art and literature, as “les deux Goncourt.” They began as artists, touring France in 1849 and keeping notes that were soon to turn them toward literature. They became art critics and historians of art, unsuccessful dramatists, promoters of Japanese art, and, in... More...
France, 2002, House of Goncourt
Monaco, 1951, Edmond and Jules Goncourt
Monaco, 1953, Journal Interdit
Monaco, 1953, Journal Interdit
France, Paris, post office on rue Goncourt
France, 2002/2004, Bar Sur Seine. Brothers Goncourt
France, 2006.06.18, Goncourt. Brothers Goncourt
France, 2006, Brothers Goncourt