Literature for children
Dmitry Karasyuk's author's project

Philatelia.Net / Literature for children / Countries /

The directory «Countries»

Turks and Caicos Islands

Turks and Caicos Islands

1970, Dickens and Scene from «Oliver Twist»

1970, Dickens and Scene from «A Christmas Carol»

1970, Dickens and Scene from «Pickwick Papers»

1970, Dickens and Scene from «The Old Curiosity Shop»

1980, Gepetto painting Pinocchio

1980, Gepetto and Pinocchio

1980, Pinocchio and the Blue Fairy

1980, Pinocchio, Fox and Cat

1980, Pinocchio and Stromboli

1980, Pinocchio with long nose

1980, Pinocchio and Lampwick

1980, Pinocchio with donkey's ears

1980, Pinocchio under water

1980, Gepetto and Pinocchio dancing

1981, Brother Rabbit closing the house

1981, Brother Bear

1981, Brother Fox sharpening the axe

1981, Brother Rabbit

1981, Brother Rabbit

1981, Brother Bear and Brother Fox dancing

1981, Brother Rabbit dazing

1981, Brother Bear about to eat

1981, Brother Bear, Brother Fox and Brother Rabbit

1981, Uncle Rimus and characters

1982, Uncle Scrooge and Jiminy Cricket

1984, The Adventure of the Second Stain

1984, The Adventure of the Final Problem

1984, The Adventure of the Empty House

1984, The Adventure of the Greek Interpreter

1984, Doyle, Holmes and Watson

1985, Mark Twain riding on Halley's Comet

1985, Mississippi river streamer

1985, Hansel & Gretel

1985, Rampelstiltskin

1985, Mark Twain and Grimm brothers

1995, Jacques-Yves Cousteau

1996, Jacques-Yves Cousteau in aqualung

1996, Winnie the Pooh sleeping

1996, Piglet

1996, Tigger

1996, Winnie the Pooh and Tiger

1996, Winnie the Pooh and Rabbit

1996, Tigger and Roo

1996, Winnie the Pooh leaving the present

1996, Winnie the Pooh and Christopher Robin

1996, Winnie the Pooh and Piglet decorating biscuits

1996, Decorating the Christmas tree


© 2003-2025 Dmitry Karasyuk. Idea, preparation, drawing up
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