Literature for children
Dmitry Karasyuk's author's project

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Druzhkov (Дружков) Yuri Mikhailovich
«The Adventures of Pencil and Screwbolt»
«Приключения Карандаша и Самоделкина»

Druzhkov (Дружков) Yuri Mikhailovich (1927—1983)«The Adventures of Pencil and Screwbolt» «Приключения Карандаша и Самоделкина»

Russian writer, author of fairy tales about magican Pencil and master Screwbolt.

Russia, 2006, 50th Anniv of «Fanny Pictures» magasine

USSR, 1960, Characters from children's book and pupil

USSR, 1961.12.08, Characters from children's book and pupils


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