Literature for children
Dmitry Karasyuk's author's project

Philatelia.Net / Literature for children / Plots /

The directory «Plots»

«The Misterious Island»
«Lle mysterieuse»

During the American Civil war, five men:, Captain Cyrus Smith, an engineer; Gédéon (Gideon) Spilett, a reporter; Pencroff a sailor; Harbert (Herbert), a student; Nab (Neb) a cook and Smith's dog Top escape the siege of Richmond, Virginia by balloon. The balloon was launched during a great storm; the wind from the storm blows the balloon... More...

Antigua, 1996, Mickey, Goofy and Pluto on island

Antigua, 2005, Films, based on the Verne's novels

Cote d’Ivoire, 2005, Jules Verne, ships

Gambia, 2005, Stamps about Jules Verne

Grenada Grenadines, 1979, Hot Air Balloon

Guinea, 1979, Misterious Island

Guinea, 2004, Meteor

Korea Nord, 1980, Illustrations to Sciences fiction books

Liberia, 2005, Flights of Fancy

Liberia, 2005, Fantastic Voyages

Monaco, 1978, L'Ille Mysterieuse

Monaco, 1978, L'Ille Mysterieuse

Monaco, 1978, L'Ille Mysterieuse

Nevis, 2005, Films, based on the Verne's novels

Nicaragua, 1978, Sea scene

Nicaragua, 1978, Flight to the Moon

Palau, 2005, Novels of Jules Verne

Tanzania, 2005, The Misterious Island

Togo, 2006, Jules Verne

Zaire / Congo, 2006, Jules Verne, dinosaurus

Monaco, 1978.05.02, Monaco. Baloon


© 2003-2025 Dmitry Karasyuk. Idea, preparation, drawing up
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