The directory «Plots»
Čapek Josef
«The Doggie's and the Pussy's Tales»
«Povídání o pejskovi a kočičce, jak spolu hospodařili a ještě o všelijakých jiných věcech»
Josef Čapek was a Czech artist who was best known as a painter, but who was also noted as a writer and a poet. He invented the word robot, which was introduced into literature by his brother, Karel Čapek.
Čapek was born in Hronov, Bohemia (Austria-Hungary, later Czechoslovakia, now Czech Republic) in 1887. First a painter of the... More...
Czech Republic, 2008, The Doggie's and the Pussy's Tales
USSR, 1989, Karel Capek
Czech Republic, 2000, Postman's Tale
Czech Republic, 2007, Brothers Čapek