The directory «Plots»
Ахлберги (Ahlberg) Джанет (1944—1994) и Алан (род. в 1938) Ahlberg Janet
and Allan
(b. 1938)
«The Jolly Postman»
Janet and Allan Ahlberg are the creators of many popular children's books, which regularly appear at the top of the 'most popular' lists for public libraries. Husband and wife, they worked together for 20 years until Janet died of cancer in 1994. Allan wrote the books, and Janet illustrated them.
Allan Ahlberg was born as an illegitimate child... More...
Isle of Man, 2008, Postman on Bicycle
Isle of Man, 2008, Postman icing biscuits
Isle of Man, 2008, Postman and bears
Isle of Man, 2008, Toy town
Isle of Man, 2008, Postman on Bicycle
Isle of Man, 2008, Postman at home
Isle of Man, 2009, Stamp M1482