The directory «Plots»
Mannix Daniel P.
«The Fox and the Hound»
Daniel Pratt Mannix IV, born in Bryn Mawr, Pennsylvania, was an author, journalist, photographer, side-show performer, stage magician, animal trainer, and film-maker. His best-known works are the 1958 book Those About to Die, which remained in continuous print for three decades, and the 1967 novel The Fox and the Hound which in 1981 was adapted... More...
Ghana, 1996, Copper & Tod
Ghana, 1996, Copper & Tod
Grenada Grenadines, 1988, The Fox and the Hound
Grenada Grenadines, 1988, The Fox and the Hound
Palau, 1996, Tod and Vixey
Palau, 1996, Tod and Vixey