The directory «Plots»
de Beaumont Jeanne Marie Leprince
«Beauty and the Beast»
«La Belle et la bête»
Jeanne Marie Leprince de Beaumont was born in Rouen in 1711. In 1748 her first book appears, «Le Triomphe de M. de La Vilette». She goes to London where she becomes tutor of upper-class girls. Then she begins writting magazines or pedagogic treatises on children's education. She founded «Nouveau Magazine français», a literary and scientific... More...
Australia, 2007, Princess
Belgium, 2005, Princess
Belgium, 2007, Princess
Belgium, 2008, Princess
France, 1995, «Beauty and the Beast»
France, 2010, Cinderella, Beauty and the Beast
Ghana, 1996, Cogsworth and Lumiere
Ghana, 1996, Cogsworth and Lumiere
Grenada Grenadines, 1997, Beauty and the Beast
Jersey, 2005, Beauty and the Beast
Nevis, 1996, The Beauty and the Beast
Singapore, 2006, Princess
Singapore, 2006, Princess
St. Helena Island, 2000, Beauty and the Beast
St. Vincent, 1992, Gaston
St. Vincent, 1992, Beauty and her father
St. Vincent, 1992, Lumiere, Mrs. Potts and Cogsworth
St. Vincent, 1992, Philippe
St. Vincent, 1992, Beast and Lumiere
St. Vincent, 1992, Lumiere and Feather Duster
St. Vincent, 1992, The Beauty and the Beast
St. Vincent, 1992, The Beauty and the Beast
St. Vincent, 1992, Lumiere
St. Vincent, 1992, Beauty and the castle
St. Vincent, 1992, Beauty and the Beast
St. Vincent, 1992, Beauty and the enchanted objects
St. Vincent, 1992, Beauty at the village
USA, 2006, The Beauty and the Beast
German Federal Republic, 1998.10.11,
Stuttgart. Beauty and the Beast
USA, 2006,
The Beauty and the Beast