The directory «Plots»
Durov (Äóðîâ) Vladimir Leonidovich
«My Animals»
«Ìîè çâåðè»
Vladimir Durov, scion of a Russian family of circus clowns and animal trainers, was primarily an animal trainer himself who claimed to have established a unique method of training circus animals, based on the principles of conditioning reflexes (Professor Pavlov) and “establishing mutual confidence.” This melange of science and sentimentality Durov called “zoopsychology.” Since some of his clowning acts had been suppressed by tsarist censorship because of their allegedly dangerous political satire, Durov was regarded as a “revolutionary” circus performer—and in 1919 was granted a subsidy by the Soviet government for a Zoopsychological Laboratory, which he founded in Moscow. He published several books on zoopsychology and animal tales for children, by whom he was affectionately known as “Grandpa Durov.”
USSR, 1963, Vladimir Durov
USSR, 1989, Vladimir Durov and Sealions
Russia, 2002, Animal Theatre of grandfather Durov
USSR, 1963, Vladimir Durov
Russia, 2012, Vladimir Durov