Literature for children
Dmitry Karasyuk's author's project

Philatelia.Net / Literature for children / Stamps /

Pied Piper of Hameln

Series: Walt Disney's Tales of Uncle Scrooge

St. Vincent (Grenadines), 1992, 60 c. x 9. 13 (1/2). multicoloured

Michel: 1051/1059
Scott: 968
Stanley Gibbons: 982/990
Yvert et Tellier: 846/854

Mayor offers reward; Piper accepts the challenge; Piper leads rats to the river; Piper promises revenge; Children follow Piper outside village gates; Mayor and townspeople watch from above; Children follow Piper through contryside; Children pass through the cavern; All closed off from Hamelin, except for one.

Plots: Grimm Jakob and Wilhelm,  «The Pied Piper of Hamelin»

Pied Piper of Hameln
© 2003-2024 Dmitry Karasyuk. Idea, preparation, drawing up
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