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Philatelia.Net / French revolution / Plots /

The directory

     Harbingers of the Revolution


          D'Alembert Jean Le Rond

          Diderot Denis

          Montesquieu Charles

          Rousseau Jean-Jacques

     Events of the Revolution

          Journée des Tuiles

          Estates-General convenes at Versailles

          Tennis Court Oath

          King against the reformers

          National Gaurd founded

          Storming of the Bastille

          Oath to end feudalism and abandon oif privileges

          Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen

          March of the women to Versailles

          The guillotine

          New French administrative divisions

          The law of the Civil Constitution of the Clergy

          The Fête de la Federation

          The Nancy affair

          The Flight to Varennes

          Massacre of the Champ de Mars

          King approves Constitution

          Attack on the Tuileries Palace

          Mob attacks the Tuileries

          Victories of revolution army

          Proclamation of the abolition of the monarchy

          The execution of Louis XVI

          Wars of Vendée

          The Committee of Public Safety

          Law of the Suspect. The Reign of Terror

          French Republican Calendar

          Marie Antoinette's execution

          Victory at Fleurus

          The coup of 9 Thermidor

     Persons of Revolution

          Bailly Jean-Sylvain

          Barere de Vieuzac Bertrand

          Barnave Antoine

          Barras Paul François

          Beaumarchais de

          Vadier Marc-Guillaume Alexis

          Guillemardet Ferdinand

          Guillotin Joseph

          Hoche Lazare

          Gregoire Abbe

          David Jacques Louis

          Danton Georges Jacques

          Desmoulins Camille

          Daunou Pierre

          Drouet Jean-Baptiste

          Dubois-Crance Edmond Louis

          Dumouriez Charles Francois

          Gerard Michel

          Carnot Lazare

          Carteaux Jean-François

          Kellermann François Christophe

          Collot d’Herbois Jean Marie

          Condorcet Marie-Jean de

          Cottereau Jean

          Couthon Georges August

          Lakanal Joseph

          La Tour d'Auvergne Theophile

          La Fayette Marie Joseph

          Le Chapelier Jean


          Marat Jean-Paul

          Marceau François

          Mirabeau Honore

          Miranda Francisco

          Monge Gaspard

          Mounier Jean-Joseph

          Necker Jacques

          Noailles Louis Marie

          Paré Jules-François

          Paine Thomas

          Petion de Villeneuve Jérôme

          Pichegru Charl

          Prieur Pierre Louis (Prieur de la Marne)

          Robespierre Maximilien

          Rouget de Lisle Claude Joseph

          Saint-Just Antoine Louis

          Sieyes Emmanuel Joseph

          Talleyrand Charles Maurice

          Fabre d’Eglantine Philippe

          Hugues Victor

     Victims of Revolution

          Blanchard Jean Pierre

          Beauharnais Joséphine

          Vigée-Lebrun Elizabeth

          Desilles André

          de Launay Bernard

          Du Barry Madame

          Elisabeth Madame

          Cazotte Jacques

          Corday Charlotte

          Lavoisier Antoine

          Lacrosse Jean-Baptiste

          La Rochefoucauld-Liancourt François

          Louis XVI

          Louis XVII


          Marie Thérèse Charlotte

          Honore III

          Richelieu Armand

          Robert Hubert

          Roland Jeanne

          Rochambeau Jean-Baptiste

          Ségur Philippe Henri

          Suvée Joseph-Benoit

          Tussaud Maria

          Florian Jean Pierre

          Chénier André

     Revolision Paris

          La Bastille

          Saint-Jacques Tower

          Palais de Justice

          The Conciergerie

          The Pont Neuf

          Hôtel de Ville

          Palais Royal

          Place de la Concorde

          Place de la Republique

     Foring supporting of French Revolution

          Brabant Revolution

          Hungarian Jacobins

          Pestalozzi Johann Heinrich

          Tone Theobald Wolfe

          Fonseca Eleonora de

     Revolution in art

          Charles Dickens. «A Tale of Two Cities»

     Bastille Day

     Bicentenary of Revolution

          La Grande Arche de la Défense

          International Stamp Exibition «PHILEXFRANCE’89»


© 2003-2025 Dmitry Karasyuk. Idea, preparation, drawing up
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