The directory «Catalogues»
Yvert et Tellier
Aden/ State of Hadhramaut, 1967, Officer of the Imperial Horse Guards
Aden/Mahra State, 1967, The Oath of Horatii
Afganistan, 1989, Arc de Triomphe de l’Etoile, Storming the Bastille
Aitutaki, 1974, Captain Bligh, HMS «Bounty»
Aitutaki, 1974, Captain Bligh, HMS «Bounty»
Aitutaki, 1974, Captain Bligh, HMS «Bounty»
Aitutaki, 1974, Captain Bligh, HMS «Bounty»
Aitutaki, 1977, Captain Bligh and George III
Aitutaki, 1977, Rev. John Williams and George IV
Aitutaki, 1984, Captain Bligh, HMS «Bounty»
Aitutaki, 1984, Captain Bligh, HMS «Bounty»
Aitutaki, 1989, George III, «Bounty»
Aitutaki, 1989, Captain Bligh and map
Aitutaki, 1989, Captain Bligh and Cristian Fletcher
Aitutaki, 1989, The Mutineers turning Lieutenant Bligh adrift from HMS «Bounty»
Ajman, 1970, Napoleon in Malmaison
Ajman, 1970, Battle of Rivoly
Ajman, 1970, Napoleon in coronatian robe
Ajman, 1970, Keys of Vienna
Ajman, 1970, General Bonaparte at the Conseil des Cinq-Cents
Ajman, 1970, French army crossing the Alps
Ajman, 1970, Battle of Pyramids
Ajman, 1970, Four brothers of Napoleon
Ajman, 1970, Napoleon as First Consul
Ajman, 1970, Liberation of Paris
Ajman, 1971, Napoleon as First Consul
Ajman, 1971, Josephine
Ajman, 1971, Bonaparte at Arcole
Ajman, 1971, Bonaparte in Jaffa
Ajman, 1971, Marie-Louise and the King of Rome
Ajman, 1971, Napoleon as an Uncle
Ajman, 1971, Coronation of Napoleon
Ajman, 1971, Napoleon after Austerlitz
Ajman, 1971, Napoleon as First Consul
Ajman, 1971, Ulm
Ajman, 1971, Napoleon in Petrovsky Palace
Ajman, 1971, Napoleon
Ajman, 1971, Napoleon in coronatian robe
Ajman, 1971, Napoleon Bonaparte
Ajman, 1971, French campaign
Ajman, 1971, Napoleon in Fontainebleau
Ajman, 1971, Napoleon on board the «Bellerophon»
Ajman, 1971, Arrival HMS «Northumbland» on St. Helena
Ajman, 1971, Longwood, St. Helena
Ajman, 1971, Napoleon on St. Helena
Ajman, 1971, Jaeger, Hussar
Ajman, 1971, Grenadiers
Ajman, 1971, Sulter, sailor
Ajman, 1971, Jaeger, dragoon
Ajman, 1971, Kadet, corporal
Ajman, 1971, Curassier, Infantryman
Ajman, 1971, Jaeger, major
Ajman, 1971, Napoleon in Malmaison
Ajman, 1972, Napoleon as First Consul
Ajman, 1972, Napoleon I
Ajman, 1972, Napoleon on board the «Bellerophon»
Ajman, 1972, Napoleon near Eylau
Ajman, 1972, Napoleon and Poniatowski
Ajman, 1972, Coronation of Napoleon
Ajman, 1972, Napoleon and Queen Luisse of Prussia in Tilsit
Ajman, 1972, Napoleon in His Study
Ajman, 1973, Napoleon
Ajman, 1973, Coronation of Napoleon
Ajman, 1973, Napoleon in Malmaison
Ajman, 1973, Battle of Pyramids
Ajman, 1973, Napoleon after Battle of Marengo
Ajman, 1973, Napoleon in the room of King of Rome
Ajman, 1973, Napoleon Crossing the Alp
Ajman, 1973, Bonaparte at Arcole
Albania, 1967, Storming the Winter palace
Albania, 1989, Arc de Triomphe
Albania, 1992, Brandenburg gate
Albania, 1996, The Second of May, 1808 at the Puerta del Sol
Alderney, 1985, South Hampshire Redgiment, 1810
Alderney, 2005, Admiral Lord Nelson
Alderney, 2005, HMS «Victory»
Alderney, 2005, British solgier
Alderney, 2005, Death of admiral Nelson
Alderney, 2005, Battle of Trafalgar
Alderney, 2005, Admiral Saumares
Algeria, 1943, La Marsellaise
Algeria, 1950, Abd al-Kader and Marshal Bugeaud
Algeria, 1954, Lavalette
Algeria, 1954, Napoleon Conferring Decorating
Andorra (french post), 1964, Napoleon reestablishes the Andorra Statute
Andorra (french post), 1980, Napoleon I, King of Italy
Andorra (french post), 1983, Balloons, Louvre
Andorra (french post), 2006, Napoleon, Decret about Andorra
Anguilla, 1971, HMS «Agamemnon»
Anguilla, 1980, Nelson's Column
Anguilla, 1981, Nelson's Dockyard
Anguilla, 1981, Nelson's Ships
Anguilla, 1981, HMS «Victory» leaving the Channel
Anguilla, 1981, Battle of Trafalgar
Anguilla, 1981, Lord Nelson
Anguilla, 1984, Stamp with King
Antigua, 1932, Nelson's Dockyard
Antigua, 1932, Nelson's Dockyard
Antigua, 1932, Nelson's Dockyard
Antigua, 1932, HMS «Victory»
Antigua, 1932, HMS «Victory»
Antigua, 1932, HMS «Victory»
Antigua, 1938, Nelson's Dockyard
Antigua, 1938, Nelson's Dockyard
Antigua, 1938, Nelson's Dockyard
Antigua, 1938, Nelson's Dockyard
Antigua, 1953/1956, Nelson's Dockyard
Antigua, 1953/1956, Nelson's Dockyard
Antigua, 1953/1956, Nelson's Dockyard
Antigua, 1953/1956, Nelson's Dockyard
Antigua, 1961, Admiral Lord Nelson
Antigua, 1961, Admiral Lord Nelson
Antigua, 1966/1969, Nelson's Dockyard
Antigua, 1970, Viscount Hood, HMS «Barfleur»
Antigua, 1970, Admiral Lord Nelson
Antigua, 1970, Capt. Collingwood, HMS «Pelican»
Antigua, 1970, Nelson, HMS «Victory»
Antigua, 1970, Private, 4th West India Regiment, 1804
Antigua, 1970, Grenadier Company Officer, 60th Regiment, 1809
Antigua, 1971, Private, Northamptonshire, 1793
Antigua, 1971, Private, East Yorkshire, 1805
Antigua, 1972, Officer, King's Own Borderers Regiment, 1815
Antigua, 1974, Officer, 59th Foot, 1797
Antigua, 1974, Gunner, Royal Artillery, 1800
Antigua, 1975, Nelson's Dockyard in 1770
Antigua, 1975, Nelson, HMS «Boreas»
Antigua, 1975, Nelson's Dockyard in 1974
Antigua, 1975, Nelson's Dockyard in 1970
Antigua, 1982, Lord Hugh Seymour
Antigua, 1989, Goofy and Mickey near Arc de Triomphe
Antigua, 1989, Painting Notre Dame Cathedral
Antigua, 1991, Germans celebrating Reunification
Antigua, 1991, Chariot driver and Gate at night
Antigua, 1991, Statues from podium
Antigua, 1991, Detail of chariot and helmet
Antigua, 1992, Conrad Adenauer, Brandenburg Gate
Antigua, 1996, HMS «Victory»
Antigua, 1996, French cuirassier
Antigua, 1999, Locomotive near Notre Dame
Antigua, 2000, Pius VII
Antigua, 2005, Battle of Trafalgar
Antigua, 2005, Battle of Trafalgar
Antigua, 2005, Battle of Trafalgar
Antigua, 2005, Battle of Trafalgar
Antigua, 2005, The Hero of Trafalgar Nelson on Board the «Victory»
Argentina, 1867/1874, Antonio Balcarce
Argentina, 1867/1874, San Martin
Argentina, 1867/1874, Carlos de Alvear
Argentina, 1877/1880, San Martin
Argentina, 1877/1880, Carlos de Alvear
Argentina, 1888/1890, San Martin
Argentina, 1890/1891, San Martin
Argentina, 1890/1891, Admiral William Brown
Argentina, 1892/1897, San Martin
Argentina, 1908, San Martin
Argentina, 1908, San Martin
Argentina, 1910, San Martin
Argentina, 1916, San Martin
Argentina, 1917, San Martin
Argentina, 1918, San Martin
Argentina, 1923, San Martin
Argentina, 1924, San Martin
Argentina, 1926, San Martin
Argentina, 1935/1946, San Martin
Argentina, 1935/1946, Admiral William Brown
Argentina, 1935/1946, Admiral William Brown
Argentina, 1945/1948, San Martin
Argentina, 1947, San Martin and Urn
Argentina, 1950, San Martin
Argentina, 1950, San Martin
Argentina, 1950, San Martin in Boulogne sur Mer
Argentina, 1950, San Martin
Argentina, 1950, San Martin
Argentina, 1950, House, when San Martin died
Argentina, 1950, San Martin Mausoleum
Argentina, 1950, Stamp Designer
Argentina, 1950, San Martin
Argentina, 1954/1967, San Martin
Argentina, 1954/1973, San Martin
Argentina, 1957, Brown's frigate «Hercules»
Argentina, 1957, Admiral William Brown
Argentina, 1957, Admiral William Brown
Argentina, 1961, San Martin Monument, Madrid
Argentina, 1967, General San Martin
Argentina, 1967/1969, Admiral William Brown
Argentina, 1968, O'Higgins meeting San Martin
Argentina, 1969, Brown's frigate «Hercules»
Argentina, 1971/1972, Admiral William Brown
Argentina, 1973, San Martin
Argentina, 1973, San Martin and Bolivar
Argentina, 1973/1976, San Martin
Argentina, 1974, San Martin
Argentina, 1975/1976, Admiral William Brown
Argentina, 1977, Admiral William Brown
Argentina, 1978, San Martin
Argentina, 1978, San Martin at Chacabuco
Argentina, 1979, O'Higgins meeting San Martin
Argentina, 1980, Admiral William Brown
Argentina, 1980, San Martin, ôðåãàò «Villarino»
Argentina, 1981, San Martin
Argentina, 1981, San Martin Monument
Argentina, 1981, San Martin Monument
Argentina, 1982, Admiral William Brown
Argentina, 1982, San Martin
Argentina, 1983, San Martin
Argentina, 1983, Admiral William Brown
Argentina, 1984, San Martin
Argentina, 1985, Admiral William Brown
Argentina, 1997, Arms, Sabre and Shako
Argentina, 1998, Sevres urn with portrait of San Martin
Argentina, 2000, San Martin
Argentina, 2004, San Martin Monument, Neuquen
Argentina, 2007, Frigat Hercules
Argentina, 2010, General San Martin crosses the Andes
Armenia, 1996, Alexander Griboedov
Ascension Island, 1984, Stamp of Ascension
Ascension Island, 1984, Stamp of Ascension
Ascension Island, 1984, Stamp of Ascension
Ascension Island, 1984, Stamp of Ascension
Ascension Island, 2001, Vice-Admiral Sir George Cockburn
Ascension Island, 2005, Royal Marine drummer boy
Ascension Island, 2005, British carronade
Ascension Island, 2005, HMS «Britania»
Ascension Island, 2005, Admiral Lord Nelson
Ascension Island, 2005, HMS «Neptune» and «Santissima Trinidad»
Ascension Island, 2005, HMS «Victory»
Ascension Island, 2005, Admiral Lord Nelson and HMS «Ajax»
Ascension Island, 2005, HMS «Victory»
Ascension Island, 2005, Battle of Trafalgar
Ascension Island, 2005, Admiral Nelson
Ascension Island, 2008, George III, Trafalgar
Australia, 1930, Charles Sturt
Australia, 1930, Charles Sturt
Australia, 1946, Thomas Mitchell
Australia, 1946, Thomas Mitchell
Australia, 1946, Thomas Mitchell
Australia, 1963/1965, Admiral King and «Mermaid»
Australia, 1963/1965, Philip King
Australia, 1970, Lachlan Macquarie
Australia, 1986, George III
Australia, 1999, Philip King
Australia, 2010, Lachlan Macquarie
Austria, 1908/1913, Francis I
Austria, 1910, Francis I
Austria, 1935, Archducke Charles
Austria, 1935, Jozef Radetzky
Austria, 1950, Andreas Hofer
Austria, 1959, Archducke Johann
Austria, 1979, Monument to Archducke Charles in Vienna
Austria, 1980, Monument to Archducke Charles in Vienna
Austria, 1981, Monument to Archducke Charles in Vienna
Austria, 1984, Archducke Johann
Austria, 1984, Hofer and Tyrolean Reservs
Austria, 2002, Thayatal National park in Wagram
Austria, 2009, Archduke Charles during the Battle of Aspern
Austria, 2010, The Tyrolean Land Army Year Nine
Bahamas, 2005, A pair of 1801 pattern Tower Sea Service Pistols
Bahamas, 2005, Royal Marine of 1805
Bahamas, 2005, Nelson's HMS «Boreas» in the Bahamas 1787
Bahamas, 2005, Death of admiral Nelson
Bahamas, 2005, HMS «Victory»
Bahamas, 2005, «Achille» surrendering to HMS «Polyphemus»
Bahamas, 2005, Admiral Collingwood; HMS «Polyphemus»
Bangladesh, 1989, Celebration of the Federation on Champ de Mars
Barbados, 1906, Nelson Monument
Barbados, 1906, Nelson Monument
Barbados, 1906, Nelson Monument
Barbados, 1906, Nelson Monument
Barbados, 1906, Nelson Monument
Barbados, 1906, Nelson Monument
Barbados, 1906, Nelson Monument
Barbados, 1950, Nelson Monument
Barbados, 1953/1957, Nelson Monument
Barbados, 1978, Nelson Monument
Barbados, 1985, Traffic Polisman near Nelson Monument
Barbados, 1990, Stamp of Barbados
Barbados, 1994, HMS «Victory»
Barbuda, 1970/1971, George III
Barbuda, 1970/1971, George IV
Barbuda, 1975, French ship «L’Orient» burning
Barbuda, 1975, Officer of 21st Foot
Barbuda, 1975, Officer, Royal Regiment Artillery, 1800
Belarus, 1992, Mir castle
Belgian Congo, 1935, The Kings of Belguim
Belgian Congo, 1935, The Kings of Belguim
Belgian Congo, 1935, The Kings of Belguim
Belgian Congo, 1935, The Kings of Belguim
Belgian Congo, 1935, The Kings of Belguim
Belgian Congo, 1935, The Kings of Belguim
Belgian Congo, 1935, The Kings of Belguim
Belgian Congo, 1958, Belgian Kings
Belgian Congo, 1958, Belgian Kings
Belgian Congo, 1958, Belgian Kings
Belgian Congo, 1958, Belgian Kings
Belgian Congo, 1958, Belgian Kings
Belgian Congo, 1958, Belgian Kings
Belgium, 1849, Leopold I
Belgium, 1849, Leopold I
Belgium, 1849/1854, Leopold I
Belgium, 1849/1854, Leopold I
Belgium, 1849/1854, Leopold I
Belgium, 1858/1861, Leopold I
Belgium, 1858/1861, Leopold I
Belgium, 1858/1861, Leopold I
Belgium, 1858/1861, Leopold I
Belgium, 1863/1865, Leopold I
Belgium, 1863/1865, Leopold I
Belgium, 1863/1865, Leopold I
Belgium, 1863/1865, Leopold I
Belgium, 1865/1867, Leopold I
Belgium, 1865/1867, Leopold I
Belgium, 1865/1867, Leopold I
Belgium, 1865/1867, Leopold I
Belgium, 1865/1867, Leopold I
Belgium, 1915/1920, Kings of Belgium
Belgium, 1925, Leopold I and Albert I
Belgium, 1925, Leopold I and Albert I
Belgium, 1925, Leopold I and Albert I
Belgium, 1925, Leopold I and Albert I
Belgium, 1925, Leopold I and Albert I
Belgium, 1925, Leopold I and Albert I
Belgium, 1925, Leopold I and Albert I
Belgium, 1925, Leopold I and Albert I
Belgium, 1925, Leopold I and Albert I
Belgium, 1925, Leopold I and Albert I
Belgium, 1925, Leopold I and Albert I
Belgium, 1925, Leopold I and Albert I
Belgium, 1925, Leopold I and Albert I
Belgium, 1930, Leopold I
Belgium, 1949, Leopold I
Belgium, 1949, Leopold I
Belgium, 1949, Leopold I
Belgium, 1949, Leopold I
Belgium, 1957, Leopold I entering Brussels
Belgium, 1957, Leopold I at frontier
Belgium, 1963, Hotel des Postes, Paris, Stamp with Leopold I
Belgium, 1964, Admiral Gambier and J. Q. Adams after signing treaty
Belgium, 1965, Leopold I
Belgium, 1965, Leopold I
Belgium, 1972, Leopold I
Belgium, 1972, Leopold I
Belgium, 1980, Leopold I and Louise-Marie
Belgium, 1981, Statue of Leopold I
Belgium, 1990, Battle of Waterloo
Belgium, 1991, Academy Building and Leopold I
Belgium, 1999, Leopold I
Belgium, 1999, Stamp of Belgian M1
Belgium, 1999, Stamp of Belgian M2
Belgium, 1999, Leopold I
Belgium, 1999, Brandenburg gate
Belgium, 2000, People near Brandenburg Gate
Belgium, 2002, Congress Column with Statue of Leopold I
Belgium, 2005, The Kings of Belguim
Belgium, 2005, Leopold I and Albert II
Belgium, 2006, Leopold I
Belgium, 2009, Stamps with Leopold I
Belgium, 2010, Eddy Merckx, Arch de Triumph
Belgium, 2011, Lion of Waterloo
Belize. Cayes of Belize, 1984, Trafalgar Sword
Belize. Cayes of Belize, 1985, The Battle of the Nile: Destruction of 'L'Orient'
Benin, 1980, Plane, Arc de Triomphe de l’Etoile
Berlin, 1949, Brandenburg gate
Berlin, 1949, Brandenburg gate
Berlin, 1952, W. von Humboldt
Berlin, 1953, Brandenburg gate
Berlin, 1956, Brandenburg gate
Berlin, 1959, Brandenburg gate
Berlin, 1961, Henrich von Kleist
Berlin, 1963, Brandenburg gate
Berlin, 1964, Zwinger pavilion, Dresden
Berlin, 1966/1967, Brandenburg gate
Berlin, 1966/1969, Zwinger pavilion, Dresden
Berlin, 1969, Near Brandenburg gate
Berlin, 1972, Prince von Hadenberg
Berlin, 1978, Freidrich Ludwig Jahn
Berlin, 1981, Kreuzberg War Memorial
Berlin, 1985, Wilhelm von Humboldt monument in Berlin
Berlin, 1987, Berlin, Brandenburg gate
Berlin, 1989, Queen Louise of Prussia
Bermuda, 1988, Devonshire Parish Militia, 1812
Bermuda, 2005, HMS «Victory»
Bermuda, 2005, HMS «Pickle» under construction in Bermuda
Bermuda, 2005, HMS «Pickle» picking up survivors from HMS «Achille»
Bermuda, 2005, HMS «Pickle» racing back to England
Bhutan, 1970, Napoleon in His Study
Bhutan, 1989, HMS «Victory»
Bhutan, 1991, Le Moulin De La Galette
Bhutan, 1991, Le Moulin De La Galette
Bhutan, 1992, Brandenburg Gate and children
Bhutan, 2000, Ferdinand VII
Bolivia, 1990, Brandenburg Gate
Bolivia, 1990, Brandenburg Gate and presidents
Bolivia, 1992, Brandenburg Gate and jaguar
Bolivia, 1992, Brandenburg Gate and presidents
Bolivia, 2000, Brandenburg Gate
Brazil, 1909, American Leaders
Brazil, 1992, George Langsdorf
British Antarctic Territory, 1973, James Weddell and ship «Jane»
British Antarctic Territory, 1985, James Weddell and Weddell's Seal
British Antarctic Territory, 2008, James Weddel
British Indian Ocean Territory, 2005, Tower Sea Service pistol and powder horn (1796)
British Indian Ocean Territory, 2005, HMS «Phoebe»
British Indian Ocean Territory, 2005, HMS «Harrier»
British Indian Ocean Territory, 2005, Boatswain 1805
British Indian Ocean Territory, 2005, Admiral Lord Nelson
British Indian Ocean Territory, 2005, HMS «Victory»
British Indian Ocean Territory, 2005, HMS «Victory»
British Indian Ocean Territory, 2005, Battle of Trafalgar
British Indian Ocean Territory, 2005, Admiral Nelson
British Indian Ocean Territory, 2009, HMS «Victory»
British Indian Ocean Territory, 2010, Wellington at the Battle of Waterloo
Bulgaria, 1935, Georgy Mamarchev
Bulgaria, 1947, Save Ogyanov as Napoleon
Bulgaria, 1947, Kristo Sarapov as Famusov
Bulgaria, 1986, HMS «Victory»
Bulgaria, 1989, Notre Dame, Pantheon and Arc de Triomphe
Bulgaria, 1990, Stamp of Belguim
Bulgaria, 1991, Brandenburg Gate
Bulgaria, 1996, 3rd of May 1808 in Madrid
Burkina Faso, 1989, The Tennis Court Oath
Burkina Faso, 1993, Sights of Paris
Burkina Faso, 1993, Sights of Paris
Burkina Faso, 1995, Film «Napoleon»
Burundi, 1974, Alexandre Lenoir
Burundi, 1977, Kremlin and Soviet stamps
Burundi, 1984, Brandenburg Gate
Cabo Verde, 1989, Relief, Arc de Triomphe de l’Etoile
Cambodge, 1989, Coach near Louvre
Cambodge, 1989, Paris-Leon coach on Montmartre
Cambodge, 1989, Royal mail Coach near Pantheon
Cambodge, 1989, Russian mail coach near Notre-Dame
Cambodge, 1989, Coupe near Invalides
Cambodge, 1990, The Horse Trainer and white knight
Cambodge, 1990, Arc de Triomphe du Carrousel and chessmen
Cambodge, 1992, De Bougainville, ship «La Boudeuse»
Cambodge, 1997, HMS «Victory»
Cameroon, 1937, Notre Dame de Paris, Arc de Triomphe de l’Etoile
Cameroon, 1946, Victory and Arc de Triomphe de l’Etoile
Cameroon, 1946, Liberation of Paris
Cameroon, 1969, Coronation of Napoleon
Cameroon, 1969, Napoleon crossing the Alp
Canada, 1934, Jacques Cartier approaching Land
Canada, 1969, Sir Isaac Brock and Monument at Queenston Heights
Canada, 1979, John By
Cayman Islands, 1989, Captain Bligh ashore in West Indies
Cayman Islands, 2000, George IV
Cayman Islands, 2005, HMS «Victory»
Cayman Islands, 2005, HMS «Tonnant» tangles into the bow of the «Algesiras»
Cayman Islands, 2005, Flint Cannon Lock and Linstock
Cayman Islands, 2005, Boatswain's mate R.N
Cayman Islands, 2005, Admiral Lord Nelson
Cayman Islands, 2005, HMS «Orion» in action against «Intrepide»
Cayman Islands, 2005, French ship «Pluton»; HMS «Tonnant»
Central African Republic, 1969, Napoleon as First Consil
Central African Republic, 1969, Napoleon meeting Francis II
Central African Republic, 1969, Marriage of Napoleon and Marie-Louise
Central African Republic, 1971, Arc de Triomphe de l’Etoile and De Gaulle
Central African Republic, 1972, Arc de Triomphe de l’Etoile and Barrelet (sculling)
Central African Republic, 1977, Brandenburg gate
Central African Republic, 1981, Michel Pajot, admiral Nelson
Central African Republic, 1982, George IV and Lady Diana
Central African Republic, 1983, Montgolfiere, 1783
Central African Republic, 1985, Olympic Games Poster and Paris
Central African Republic, 1989, General Kellerman and Battle of Valmy
Central African Republic, 1989, General Pichegru and capture of Dutch fleet
Central African Republic, 1989, Napoleon at the Battle of Rivoli
Central African Republic, 1989, Marchal Jourdan
Central African Republic, 1992, Brandenburg gate, Count Zeppelin
Central African Republic, 1992, Adenauer and Branderburg Gate
Central African Republic, 1999, Napoleon plaing chess
Central African Republic, 2000, Brandenburg gate, Michael Gorbachov
Central African Republic, 2002, Admiral Nelson
Chad, 1969, The actor Wolf, called Bernard
Chad, 1969, Napoleon visiting the Hotel des Invalides
Chad, 1969, The Battle of Wagram
Chad, 1969, The Battle of Austerlitz
Chad, 1979, Stamp with Napoleon III
Chad, 1985, Victor Hugo and Notre-Dame de Paris
Chad, 1985, Victor Hugo and Notre-Dame de Paris
Chad, 1985, Victor Hugo and Notre-Dame de Paris
Chad, 1985, Victor Hugo and Notre-Dame de Paris
Chad, 1999, Louis XVIII
Chad, 1999, Napoleon Bonaparte as First Counsil
Chad, 1999, Napoleon crossing the Alp
Chad, 1999, Bonaparte crossed the Alpes
Chad, 1999, Napoleon in Alpes
Chad, 1999, First counsil visited abbey on St. Bernard mountain
Chad, 1999, Battle from Jena
Chad, 2001, Napoleon near Ausburg
Chad, 2001, Napoleon Bonaparte
Chad, 2001, Napoleon Bonaparte in Imperor's Dress
Chad, 2001, Napoleon Bonaparte as First Counsil
Chili, 1910, Monument of Carrera
Chili, 1910, San Martin Monument in Santiago
Chili, 1910, Admiral Cochrane
Chili, 1916/1921, Admiral Cochrane
Chili, 1928/1935, Admiral Cochrane
Chili, 1928/1935, Admiral Cochrein
Chili, 1928/1935, Admiral Cochrane
Chili, 1945, Battle of the Maipu
Chili, 1951, San Martin
Chili, 1951, Crossing the Andes
Chili, 1956, Jose Carrera
Chili, 1960/1961, Jose Carrera
Chili, 1968, San Martin and O'Higgins
Chili, 1968, San Martin and O'Higgins
Chili, 1973, Execution of general Carrera
Chili, 1976, Admiral Cochrane
Chili, 1976, Capture of Valdivia, 1820
Chili, 1976, Capture of «Esmeralda». 1820
Chili, 1976, Cruiser «Cochrane»
Chili, 1976, Destroyer «Cochrane». 1962
Chili, 1978, Medallion
Chili, 1985, Jose Carrera
Chili, 2000, San Martin
Chili, 2009, Stamp with Carrera monument
Chili, 2009, Stamp with San Martin monument
Chili, 2009, Stamp with Thomas Cochrane
China, 1961, Pantheon
China, 1962, Storming the Winter palace
China, 1998, Louvre palace
Colombia, 1955, San Martin, Bolivar and Washington
Colombia, 1955, Marti, Hidalgo and Petion
Comoren Islands, 1964, Grand Palace, Horses
Comoren Islands, 1976, Monument to Ludwig I
Comoren Islands, 1978, Stamp with Napoleon III
Comoren Islands, 1985, Victor Hugo and Pantheon
Comoren Islands, 1989, General Kellermann
Comoren Islands, 1989, Invasion of Les Tuileries
Comoren Islands, 1989, Lafayette, Mounier and Sieyes
Comoren Islands, 1991, Brandenburg gate
Comoren Islands, 2008, Arc de Triomphe de l’Etoile
Comoren Islands, 2008, Brandenburg gate
Comoren Islands, 2008, Brandenburg gate
Comoren Islands, 2008, Buildings of Paris
Comoren Islands, 2008, Brandenburg gate
Comoren Islands, 2008, Arc de Triomphe de l’Etoile
Comoren Islands, 2009, Napoleon Bonaparte
Comoren Islands, 2009, Napoleon Bonaparte
Congo, 1968, The Oath of Horatii
Congo, 1969, Battle of Rivoli
Congo, 1969, Battle of Marengo
Congo, 1969, Battle of Friedland
Congo, 1969, Battle of Jena
Congo, 1971, Sculpture of Arc de Triomphe de l’Etoile
Congo, 1975, Citroen and Notre Dame
Congo, 1976, The Sabines
Congo, 1978, Pulling down George III Statue
Congo, 1979, French Stamp M135
Congo, 1983, Mongolier Balloon, 1783
Congo, 1992, Adenauer and Branderburg Gate
Cooê Islands, 1984, Olympic Games Poster 1936
Cooê Islands, 1986, Ossian receiving French Officers
Cooê Islands, 1986, Ossian receiving French Officers
Costa Rica, 1978, San Martin
Cote d’Ivoire, 1937, Notre-Dame de Paris and Arc de Triomphe de l’Etoile
Cote d’Ivoire, 1937, Notre-Dame de Paris and Arc de Triomphe de l’Etoile
Cote d’Ivoire, 1983, Montgolfier over Dome des Invalides
Cuba, 1967, Storming the Winter palace
Cuba, 1969, Napoleon in Milan
Cuba, 1969, Hortensia de Beauharnais
Cuba, 1969, Napoleon as First Consil
Cuba, 1969, Elisa Bonaparte
Cuba, 1969, Napoleon planning the coronation
Cuba, 1969, Corporal of Cuirassiers
Cuba, 1969, Napoleon Bonaparte
Cuba, 1971, Sir William Pitt
Cuba, 1980, «Santissima Trinidad»
Cuba, 1980, «Santissima Trinidad»
Cuba, 1981, Napoleon in Coronation Regalia
Cuba, 1981, Napoleon with Landscape
Cuba, 1981, Napoleon in Egypt
Cuba, 1981, Napoleon on Horseback
Cuba, 1981, Napoleon in Normandy
Cuba, 1981, Death of Napoleon
Cuba, 1988, San Martin
Cuba, 1988, Jean Jacque Dessalines
Cuba, 1991, Toussaint L'Ouverture
Cuba, 1996, «Santissima Trinidad»
Cuba, 1996, «Principe de Asturias»
Cuba, 1996, «Santa Ana»
Cuba, 1999, Napoleon Bonaparte, «1814»
Cuba, 2001, Battle of Marengo
Cuba, 2001, Battle of Eylau
Cuba, 2001, Battle of Waterloo
Cuba, 2001, Battle of Abukir
Czech Republic, 1995, Parisienne
Czech Republic, 1997, Parisien Booksellers
Czech Republic, 2005, Cairn of Peace
Czech Republic, 2005, French cannon
Czech Republic, 2005, Old Post
Czech Republic, 2005, Place of Napoleon's quarters of the command in chief
Czech Republic, 2005, Napoleon Bonaparte and Cairn of peace
Czech Republic, 2005, Napoleon near Austerlitz
Czech Republic, 2006, Napoleon; Gun near Austerlitz
Czech Republic, 2007, «Monmartre» (S. H. Pinkas)
Czechoslovakia, 1936, Austerlitz Castle
Czechoslovakia, 1965, Branderburg Gate, sportsmen
Czechoslovakia, 1968, Notre Dame de Paris
Czechoslovakia, 1970, Curuosities
Dahomey, 1937, Notre Dame de Paris, Arc de Triomphe de l’Etoile
Dahomey, 1963, Toussaint L'Ouverture
Dahomey, 1963, Toussaint L'Ouverture
Dahomey, 1963, Toussaint L'Ouverture
Dahomey, 1969, General Bonaparte
Dahomey, 1969, Napoleon in 1809
Dahomey, 1969, Napoleon at the Battle of Eylau
Dahomey, 1969, Bonaparte at Arcole
Dahomey, 1971, Arc de Triomphe de l’Etoile and De Gaulle
Dahomey, 1971, Notre Dame de Paris, Arc de Triomphe de l’Etoile
Dahomey, 1972, Paulina Borghese
Danzig, 1939, French army goes away from Danzig
DDR, 1950, Wilhelm Humboldt
DDR, 1952, K. Gottwald, Prague and Brandenburg gate
DDR, 1952, Freidrich Ludwig Jahn
DDR, 1953, Henrich von Kleist
DDR, 1953, Baron von Stein
DDR, 1953, Von Schill and cavalry
DDR, 1953, Blucher and infantry
DDR, 1954, Cologne Cathedral, Leipzig Monument
DDR, 1955, Old Town Hall
DDR, 1955, Zwinger pavilion, Dresden
DDR, 1956, Old Market-place
DDR, 1956, Elbe Bridge
DDR, 1957, Children at play
DDR, 1957, Freidrich Froebel
DDR, 1958, University
DDR, 1958, Brandenburg gate
DDR, 1959, Brandenburg gate
DDR, 1960, General von Gneisenau
DDR, 1960, General von Gneisenau
DDR, 1960, Monuments of brothers Humboldt
DDR, 1960, Gumboldt brothers
DDR, 1961, Ruins of Rudelsburg
DDR, 1961, Wartburg
DDR, 1961, Old Town Hall
DDR, 1961, Old Weigh-house
DDR, 1961, Old Stock Excange
DDR, 1961, Titov in Berlin
DDR, 1962, Fichte's birthplace
DDR, 1962, Johann Fichte
DDR, 1962, Brandenburg gate
DDR, 1963, Barhels Hof
DDR, 1963, Generals von Gneisenau and von Blucher
DDR, 1963, Cossacks and German soldiers in Berlin
DDR, 1963, Arndt and Baron von Stein
DDR, 1963, Lutzow corps in battle order
DDR, 1963, Generals von Scharnhorst and Kutuzov
DDR, 1964, Quadriga Brandenburg gate
DDR, 1965, Old Weigh-house
DDR, 1965, Old Town Hall
DDR, 1965, A. Leonov and Brandenburg Gate
DDR, 1966, Brandenburg gate and soldier
DDR, 1968, Brandenburg gate and Torch
DDR, 1968, Morizburg Castle
DDR, 1969, Zwinger pavilion, Dresden
DDR, 1969, Berlin, Brandenburg gate
DDR, 1969, Leipzig Monument, Sportsmens
DDR, 1969, TV-Tower, Brandenburg gate
DDR, 1971, Brandenburg gate and soldiers
DDR, 1971, Brandenburg gate, new buildings
DDR, 1973, Brandenburg gate
DDR, 1973, Brandenburg gate and soldiers
DDR, 1973, Brandenburg gate
DDR, 1973, Old Town Hall
DDR, 1974, Zwinger, Dresden
DDR, 1976, Russian trap
DDR, 1977, Henrich von Kleist
DDR, 1978, Freidrich Ludwig Jahn
DDR, 1979, Dresden buildings
DDR, 1980, Carl von Clausewitz
DDR, 1980, Brandenburg gate
DDR, 1981, Old Town Hall
DDR, 1981, Zwinger, Dresden
DDR, 1983, Arm of Dresden
DDR, 1984, Arm of Leipzig
DDR, 1984, Old Town Hall
DDR, 1984, Stables, Dresden
DDR, 1986, Brandenburg gate and soldiers
DDR, 1988, Leipzig Monument
DDR, 1989, Naschmarkt, 1700
DDR, 1989, Princess Louise
DDR, 1989, Invading the Tuileres
DDR, 1990, St. Nicholas's Church
DDR, 1990, Brandenburg gate
Djibouti, 1981, Admiral Nelson and HMS «Victory»
Djibouti, 1981, Admiral Nelson and HMS «Victory»
Djibouti, 2000, Notre-Dame de Paris and Train
Djibouti, 2000, Brandenburg gate and Train
Dominica, 1969, The Death of Socrates
Dominica, 1976, Admiral Hood
Dominica, 1977, Wellington's Victory
Dominica, 1979, Notre Dame de Paris
Dominica, 1991, Moscow Kremlin
Dominica, 1999, Notre-Dame de Paris and Train
Dominica, 1999, Notre-Dame de Paris
Dominica, 2005, Nelson explane the plan of attack
Dominica, 2005, The «L’Orient» explodes
Dominica, 2005, Nelson at Cape St. Vincent
Dominica, 2005, HMS «Agamemnon» battles with «Ca Ira»
Dominica, 2005, HMS «Victory»
Dubai, 1967, Duke of Wellington
Dubai, 1970, Caroline Murat with children
Dubai, 1970, Napoleon as Uncle
Ecuador, 1989, French Revolution
Ecuador, 2003, Monument to Bolivar and San Martin
Ecuador, 2005, Jose de San Martin
Ecuador, 2005, Monument to Bolivar and San Martin
Egipte, 1914, Moschee of Muhammed Ali
Egipte, 1928, Muhammed Ali
Egipte, 1949, Muhammed Ali and Map
Egipte, 1972, Rosetta Stone and Jean Champollion
Egipte, 1973, Mohammed Korayem
Egipte, 1973, Omar Makram
Egipte, 1999, Rosetta Stone and Jean Champollion
El Salvador, 1998, Player and the Louvre
El Salvador, 1998, Goalkeepeper and the Notre Dame
El Salvador, 1998, Ball and Arc de Triomphe de l’Etoile
El Salvador, 2006, Brandenburg Gate, ball and man with beer
El Salvador, 2006, Horses from Brandenburg Gate and ball
Equatorial Guinea, 1976, Bavarian cavalry
Equatorial Guinea, 1976, French Impery. Trumper
Equatorial Guinea, 1976, Dragoon officer
Equatorial Guinea, 1976, French Republic. Hussar
Equatorial Guinea, 1976, Mayor of artilleria
Equatorial Guinea, 1977, Battle of Rivoli
Equatorial Guinea, 1977, Battle of Pyramids
Equatorial Guinea, 1977, French army crossing Alpes
Equatorial Guinea, 1977, Battle of Austerlitz
Equatorial Guinea, 1977, Battle of Austerlitz
Equatorial Guinea, 1977, Battle of Jena
Equatorial Guinea, 1977, Battle of Friedland
Equatorial Guinea, 1977, Spain campain
Equatorial Guinea, 1977, Battle of Eylau
Equatorial Guinea, 1977, Napoleon on Horseback
Equatorial Guinea, 1977, Battle of Wagram
Equatorial Guinea, 1977, Marriage of Napoleon and Marie-Louise
Equatorial Guinea, 1977, French campain
Equatorial Guinea, 1977, Napoleon goes away on Elba
Equatorial Guinea, 1977, Napoleon leave of Guard
Equatorial Guinea, 1977, Death of Napoleon
Equatorial Guinea, 1977, Grenadier
Equatorial Guinea, 1977, Chasseur
Equatorial Guinea, 1977, General of Hussar
Equatorial Guinea, 1977, Chasseur
Equatorial Guinea, 1977, Captain
Equatorial Guinea, 1977, Sailor
Equatorial Guinea, 1977, Dragoon of Guard
Equatorial Guinea, 1977, Carporal of Guard
Equatorial Guinea, 1977, Chasseur
Equatorial Guinea, 1977, Uhlan
Equatorial Guinea, 1977, Infantery man
Equatorial Guinea, 1977, Carporal of Grenader
Equatorial Guinea, 1977, Uhlan
Equatorial Guinea, 1977, General
Equatorial Guinea, 1977, Gandarm
Equatorial Guinea, 1977, Cavalry Officer
Equatorial Guinea, 1996, The Family of Carlos IV
Equatorial Guinea, 1998, Russian Hussars
Equatorial Guinea, 2001, French infanter
Estonia, 2003, Admiral Kruzenstern
Falkland Islands, 1988, Lloyd's Nelson Collection silver service
Falkland Islands, 2005, Wounded Nelson
Falkland Islands, 2008, James Weddel and «Jane»
Fiji, 1967, Admiral Bligh, HMS Providence and Old Map
Fiji, 1967, Bligh's longboat
Fiji, 1967, Tomb of Bligh
Fiji, 1970, Bligh & longboat
Fiji, 1989, Cup, bowl and Bligh's journal
Fiji, 1989, Silhouette of Bligh
Fiji, 1989, Launch and map of Fiji
Finland, 1936, Gustaf Mauritz Armfeldt
Finland, 1959, Opening of Diet, 1809
Finland, 2004, Le Jardin du Luxembourg
Finland, 2009, Aleksander I, Armfelt
France, 1852, Louis-Napoleon
France, 1852, Louis-Napoleon
France, 1853, Louis-Napoleon
France, 1853, Louis-Napoleon
France, 1853, Louis-Napoleon
France, 1853, Louis-Napoleon
France, 1853, Louis-Napoleon
France, 1853, Louis-Napoleon
France, 1853, Louis-Napoleon
France, 1853, Louis-Napoleon
France, 1862—1870, Louis-Napoleon with Laurel Wreath
France, 1862—1870, Louis-Napoleon with Laurel Wreath
France, 1862—1870, Louis-Napoleon with Laurel Wreath
France, 1862—1870, Louis-Napoleon with Laurel Wreath
France, 1862—1870, Louis-Napoleon with Laurel Wreath
France, 1862—1870, Louis-Napoleon with Laurel Wreath
France, 1862—1870, Louis-Napoleon with Laurel Wreath
France, 1862—1870, Louis-Napoleon with Laurel Wreath
France, 1862—1872, Louis-Napoleon
France, 1862—1872, Louis-Napoleon
France, 1862—1872, Louis-Napoleon
France, 1862—1872, Louis-Napoleon
France, 1862—1872, Louis-Napoleon
France, 1862—1872, Louis-Napoleon
France, 1869, Louis-Napoleon with Laurel Wreath
France, 1917/1919, La Marseillaise
France, 1917/1919, La Marseillaise
France, 1924, Stadium and Arc de Triomphe
France, 1924, Notre Dame de Paris
France, 1926/1927, La Marseillaise
France, 1926/1927, La Marseillaise
France, 1931, Arc de Triomphe
France, 1936, Plane over Paris
France, 1936, Plane over Paris
France, 1936, Plane over Paris
France, 1936, Plane over Paris
France, 1936, Plane over Paris
France, 1936, Plane over Paris
France, 1936, Plane over Paris
France, 1936, La Marsellaise
France, 1936, Plane over Paris
France, 1938, Chateau de Vencennes
France, 1938, Houses of Parliament, «Friendship» and Arc de Triomphe
France, 1938, Palais de Versailles
France, 1938, Arc de Triomphe
France, 1939, Joseph Nicephore Niepce and Louis Daguerre
France, 1939, The Tennis Court Oath
France, 1942, Stendhal
France, 1942, Legionary and Grenadiers
France, 1942, Legionary and Grenadiers
France, 1942, Legionary and Grenadiers
France, 1943, Lavoisier
France, 1944, Marshal Bugeaud
France, 1944, Arc de Triomphe
France, 1945, Arc de Triomphe
France, 1946, Les Invalides
France, 1946, Arms of Corsica
France, 1946, Luxembourg Palace
France, 1947, Notre Dame de Paris
France, 1947, Louvre
France, 1947, Herring Gull over Ile de la Cite
France, 1948, Luxembourg Palace
France, 1948, Luxembourg Palace
France, 1948, Portrait of Chateaubriand
France, 1950, Paris
France, 1950, Louis David
France, 1950, Lazare Carnot
France, 1950, Madame Recamier
France, 1951, Palace of Fontainebleau
France, 1951, Robert Surcouf
France, 1951, Talleyrand
France, 1951, Napoleon
France, 1952, Medaille Militaire in 1852 and 1952
France, 1952, Cherub
France, 1952, Cherub
France, 1952, Versailles Gateway
France, 1953, Mannequin and Place Vendome
France, 1953, Gargantua
France, 1953, Gaspard Monge
France, 1954, Versailles Gateway
France, 1954, Ajaaccio Bay
France, 1954, Lavalette
France, 1954, Institute de France
France, 1954, Louvre
France, 1954, Madeleine
France, 1954, Napoleon Conferring Decorating
France, 1955, Laplace
France, 1956, Grand Trianon, Versailles
France, 1957, Palais de l'Elysee
France, 1957, Valencay. Chateau of Talleyrand
France, 1958, Lagrange
France, 1958, Berthollet
France, 1959, Arc de Carroussel and Flowers
France, 1959, Palais de l'Elysee
France, 1959, Le Notre and Versailles
France, 1960, Pierre de Nolhack
France, 1960, Madam de Stael
France, 1961, General Druot
France, 1962, Institute de France and Eduard Estauni
France, 1962, Officer of the Imperial Horse Guards
France, 1963, Pierre de Morivo, Versailles
France, 1963, Coollege Building and Pantheon
France, 1964, Grande Palais, Horses of Marlies
France, 1964, Stained Glass Window
France, 1964, Corvisart
France, 1964, Larrey
France, 1965, Deportees, Arc de Triomphe
France, 1968, General Desaix, death scene at Marengo
France, 1968, Louis XV and Arms of Corsica and France
France, 1968, Victory over Arc de Triomphe
France, 1969, Marschall Lann
France, 1969, Napoleon and his Birthplace
France, 1969, General Leclerc, and les Invalides
France, 1969, Marshal Juin and les Invalides
France, 1970, Louis XIV and Versailles
France, 1971, Bourbon Palace
France, 1971, De Gaulle and Arc de Triomphe
France, 1972, Jean Champollion
France, 1972, Napoleon at the Bridge of Arcole
France, 1972, Egyptian Expedition
France, 1972, Nicholas Desgenettes
France, 1972, Francois Broussais
France, 1973, Arc de Carroussel and Telephone Exchange
France, 1973, Napoleon and Portalis
France, 1973, Coronation of Napoleon
France, 1973, Eternal Flame Arc de Triomphe
France, 1973, Exibition Halls
France, 1974, Commimorative Medallion
France, 1975, First Assembly at Luxembourg Palace
France, 1976, Chateau de Malmaison
France, 1976, Marshal Moncey
France, 1976, General Daumesnil
France, 1977/1978, «Sabine»
France, 1977/1978, «Sabine»
France, 1978, Institute de France and Pont des Arts
France, 1978, «Sabine»
France, 1978, «Sabine»
France, 1978, «Sabine»
France, 1978, «Sabine»
France, 1978, «Sabine»
France, 1978, «Sabine»
France, 1978, «Sabine»
France, 1978, «Sabine»
France, 1978, «Sabine»
France, 1978, «Sabine»
France, 1978, «Sabine»
France, 1978, The Pont Neuf
France, 1978, «Sabine»
France, 1978, «Sabine»
France, 1978, «Sabine»
France, 1978, «Sabine»
France, 1978, «Sabine»
France, 1979, Camille Desmoulins addressing Crowd
France, 1979, «Sabine»
France, 1979, «Sabine»
France, 1979, «Sabine»
France, 1979, «Sabine»
France, 1979, «Sabine»
France, 1979, «Sabine»
France, 1980, French Architecture
France, 1980, «Sabine»
France, 1980, «Sabine»
France, 1980, Comedie-Francaise
France, 1981, «Sabine»
France, 1981, «Sabine»
France, 1981, «Sabine»
France, 1981, «Sabine»
France, 1981, «Sabine»
France, 1981, «Sabine»
France, 1981, Imperial Chapell, Ajaccio
France, 1981, «Sabine»
France, 1981, «Sabine»
France, 1981, «Sabine»
France, 1981, Famous people and Pantheon
France, 1982, Map of Corsica
France, 1983, Balloon over Louvre
France, 1983, Stendhal
France, 1987, Leclerc and Les Invalides
France, 1988, Louis Antoine de Bougainville
France, 1989, Sieyes
France, 1989, Historic Sights
France, 1989, Louvre
France, 1989, Notre Dame de Paris
France, 1989, Fontainebleau Forest
France, 1989, The Tennis Court Oath
France, 1989, Camille Desmoulins in Palais Royal
France, 1989, Marie-Jean de Condorcet near Louvre
France, 1989, Kellermann
France, 1990, Gaspard Monge
France, 1991, Toulon
France, 1992, Madonna, Child and Angel
France, 1993, Map of Corsica
France, 1993, Louvre
France, 1994, Banquet for Gustav III at the Trianon, 1784
France, 1994, Champs Elysees
France, 1995, De Gaulle, Arc de Triomphe and Notre Dame
France, 1995, Bourbon Palace
France, 1995, Institute de France
France, 1996, Sanguinaries Islands, Ajaccio
France, 1997, Palace de Versailles
France, 1997, Pardallian, Notre Dame
France, 1998, Bourbon Palace
France, 1998, Louvre
France, 1999, Paris Panorama
France, 1999, Museum of Champollion
France, 1999, View of Notre Dame, 1936
France, 1999, Column of Palais Royal
France, 2000, Bank Entrance
France, 2000, Citroen DS 19 near Arc du Triomphe
France, 2001, Gardens
France, 2001, Eiffel Tower and Arc de Triomphe dancing
France, 2002, Delgres
France, 2002, Aleksander Dumas, Pantheon
France, 2003, Panorama of Paris and Luxembourg
France, 2003, Vidocq
France, 2003, Esmeralda
France, 2003, Genoese tower, Cap Corse
France, 2003, Arc de Triomphe
France, 2003, Palace of Luxemburg
France, 2003, Monument of William II
France, 2004, Panorama of Paris
France, 2004, Madlen
France, 2004, Arc de Triomphe
France, 2004, Parks of the Paris
France, 2004, Mounted Rifleman
France, 2004, Gunner
France, 2004, Dragoon
France, 2004, Mameluk
France, 2004, Napoleon
France, 2004, Bombardier
France, 2004, Notre Dame cathedral, Paris
France, 2005, Napoleon Bonaparte and Cairn of peace
France, 2005, Brandenburg gate
France, 2006, Cafe near Notre-Dame
France, 2006, Les Invalides
France, 2006, Piana, Corse
France, 2006, Alain Poher, Palais du Luxembourg
France, 2006, Tramway, monuments
France, 2007, Pantheon
France, 2007, Forrest of Fontainebleau
France, 2007, Arc de Triumph
France, 2007, Arc de Triumph
France, 2007, Halls of Mirrors
France, 2007, Monuments of Paris
France, 2008, Notre-Dame, Monmartre
France, 2008, Napoleon crossing the Alps
France, 2008, «Confiance»
France, 2008, «La Boudeuse»
France, 2008, Plane over Arc de Triumphe
France, 2008, Hall of Mirrors
France, 2008, «Sabine»
France, 2009, Notre Dame de Paris
France, 2009, The Battle of Solferino
France, 2009, Francisco Miranda, Arc de Triomphe
France, 2009, The Battle of Solferino
France, 2010, Trumpet
France, 2010, Fontain in Versalles
France, 2010, Arc de Triomphe de l’Etoile
France, 2010, Notre Dame
France, 2010, Fontaine Bruat in Colmar
French Colony, 1871—1872, Napoleon III
French Colony, 1871—1872, Napoleon III
French Colony, 1871—1872, Napoleon III
French Colony, 1872, Louis-Napoleon
French Equatorial Africa, 1937, Arc de Triomphe, Notre Dame de Paris
French Equatorial Africa, 1946, Victory over Arc de Triomphe
French Equatorial Africa, 1946, Liberation of Paris
French Guyana, 1937, Arc de Triomphe, Notre Dame de Paris
French Guyana, 1946, Victory over Arc de Triomphe
French Guyana, 1946, Liberation of Paris
French India, 1937, Arc de Triomphe, Notre Dame de Paris
French India, 1946, Victory over Arc de Triomphe
French India, 1946, Liberation of Paris
French Polinesie, 1964, Grande Palais, Horses of Marlies
French Polinesie, 1968, Louis Antoine de Bougainville
French Polinesie, 1969, Bonaparte as Commander-in-Chief, Italy
French Polinesie, 1983, Bligh, Roud map and Breadfruit
French Polinesie, 1988, Carved Figures
French Polinesie, 1988, Russian officer in marae
French Polinesie, 1989, The Mutineers turning Lieutenant Bligh adrift from HMS «Bounty»
French Polinesie, 1989, The Mutineers turning Lieutenant Bligh adrift from HMS «Bounty»
French Polinesie, 2010, Frederick William Beechey
French Somalia Coast, 1937, Notre-Dame de Paris and Arc de Triomphe de l’Etoile
French Somalia Coast, 1946, Victory and Arc de Triomphe de l’Etoile
French Somalia Coast, 1946, Liberation of Paris
French Somalia Coast, 1964, Grande Palais, Horses of Marlies
French Sudan, 1937, Arc de Triomphe, Notre Dame de Paris
French West Africa, 1946, Victory over Arc de Triomphe
French West Africa, 1946, Liberation of Paris
Fujeira, 1968, The Second of May, 1808 at the Puerta del Sol
Fujeira, 1968, The Oath of Horatii
Fujeira, 1970, Stamp with Napoleon
Fujeira, 1970, Battle of Pyramids
Fujeira, 1970, Battle of Rivoly
Fujeira, 1970, Napoleon in His Study
Fujeira, 1970, Bonaparte in Jaffa
Fujeira, 1970, Coronation of Napoleon
Fujeira, 1970, Napoleon meet Queen of Prussia
Fujeira, 1970, Napoleon I
Fujeira, 1972, Bonaparte
Fujeira, 1972, Napoleon
Fujeira, 1972, Bust of Napoleon
Fujeira, 1972, Bust of Napoleon
Fujeira, 1972, Napoleon I, King of Italy
Fujeira, 1972, Napoleon in Brienne
Fujeira, 1972, Napoleon in prison of Nice
Fujeira, 1972, General Bonaparte
Fujeira, 1972, Napoleon I
Fujeira, 1972, Napoleon meet Franz II
Fujeira, 1972, Napoleon meet Franz II
Fujeira, 1972, Napoleon at the gates of Madrid
Fujeira, 1972, Josephine
Fujeira, 1972, Marriage of Napoleon and Marie-Louise
Fujeira, 1972, Napoleon on throne
Fujeira, 1972, Marie-Louise
Fujeira, 1972, King of Rome
Fujeira, 1972, Napoleon in Fontainebleau
Fujeira, 1972, Napoleon Death Scene
Fujeira, 1972, Tomb of Napoleon
Gabon, 1969, Battle of Rivoly
Gabon, 1969, Oath of the Army
Gabon, 1969, Napoleon as an uncle
Gabon, 1971, Napoleon's Death Mask
Gabon, 1971, Longwood House
Gabon, 1971, Napoleon's Tomb
Gabon, 1976, Wrecking of George III statue in New York
Gabon, 1977, «Reinastella» of 1929
Gabon, 1977, «Renault 1 CV» (1899)
Gabon, 1978, «Cabriolet 5 cv. Tipe C» (1922)
Gabon, 1978, «Taxi B 14» (1927)
Gabon, 1978, «Berilune 7 cv» (1934)
Gabon, 2000, Passenger locomotive, 1915
Gambia, 1988, Berlin, Brandenburg gate
Gambia, 1990, At Trafalgar Square
Gambia, 1991, Monmartre: Quarry and Mills
Gambia, 1993, The Oath of Horatii
Gambia, 1993, The Oath of Horatii
Gambia, 1993, The Love of Paris and Helen
Gambia, 1993, The Sabine Women (detail)
Gambia, 1993, Leonidas at Thermopylae (detail)
Gambia, 1993, The Coronation of Napoleon (detail)
Gambia, 1993, The Coronation of Napoleon (detail)
Gambia, 1993, The Coronation of Napoleon (detail)
Gambia, 1993, Baloon over field of Mars
Gambia, 1996, General Etienne Gerard
Gambia, 1998, HMS «Victory»
Gambia, 1999, Passenger locomotive, 1846
Gambia, 2000, Napoleon crossing the Alp
Gambia, 2001, Napoleon
Gambia, 2001, Portrait of Ludwig I
Gambia, 2001, Battle of the Nile
Gambia, 2001, HMS «Victory» off the Isle of Wight
Gambia, 2005, «Santissima Trinidad»
Gambia, 2005, HMS «Victory» pours a murderous fire
Gambia, 2005, Admiral Lord Nelson
Gambia, 2005, French sailors of «Redoubtable» at Trafalgar
Gambia, 2005, Admiral Lord Nelson
German Federal Republic, 1948, Brandenburg gate
German Federal Republic, 1948, Brandenburg gate
German Federal Republic, 1948, Brandenburg gate
German Federal Republic, 1949, W. A. Froebel
German Federal Republic, 1957, Baron von Stein
German Federal Republic, 1961, Henrich von Kleist
German Federal Republic, 1964/1965, Zwinger pavilion, Dresden
German Federal Republic, 1966/1967, Brandenburg gate
German Federal Republic, 1966/1969, Zwinger pavilion, Dresden
German Federal Republic, 1969, E. M. Arndt
German Federal Republic, 1970, Monument of Maximilian I
German Federal Republic, 1977, Ulm Cathedral
German Federal Republic, 1980, Hand
German Federal Republic, 1981, Clausewitz
German Federal Republic, 1987, Berlin, Brandenburg gate
German Federal Republic, 1989, Queen Louise of Prussia
German Federal Republic, 1990, Brandenburg gate and crowd
German Federal Republic, 1991, Brandenburg gate
German Federal Republic, 1991, Quill, pen and sword; Theodor Korner
German Federal Republic, 1992, Blucher on horse
German Federal Republic, 2002, Bautzen
German Federal Republic, 2002, Bautzen
German Federal Republic, 2002, Henrich von Kleist
German Federal Republic, 2005, Branderburg Gate, sportsmen
German Federal Republic, 2005, Church of Our Lady
German Federal Republic, 2007, Karl Freiherr vom und zum Stein
German Federal Republic, 2007, Brandenburg Gate
German Federal Republic, 2007, Brandenburg Gate
German Federal Republic, 2008, Brandenburg Gate
Germany, 1900, Unvelling of Kaiser Wilhelm I Memorial in Berlin
Germany, 1902, Unvelling of Kaiser Wilhelm I Memorial in Berlin
Germany, 1906—1911, Unvelling of Kaiser Wilhelm I Memorial in Berlin
Germany, 1930, Brandenburg gate
Germany, 1930, Brandenburg gate
Germany, 1931, The Zwinger, Dresden
Germany, 1938, Boy near Brandenburg gate
Germany, 1938, Boy near Brandenburg gate
Germany, 1940, Old Town Hall
Germany, 1941, Fair Office
Germany, 1941, Brandenburg gate
Germany, 1943, Brandenburg gate
Germany. Baden, 1948, Grand-Duchess Stephanie of Baden
Germany. Soviet Zone., 1946, Arm of Leipzig
Germany. Soviet Zone., 1946, Arm of Leipzig
Germany. Soviet Zone., 1946, St. Nicholas's Church
Germany. Soviet Zone., 1946, St. Nicholas's Church
Germany. Soviet Zone., 1946, Market Place
Germany. Soviet Zone., 1946, Market Place
Germany. Soviet Zone., 1946, Market Place
Germany. Soviet Zone., 1946, Market Place
Germany. Soviet Zone., 1946, Zwinger, Dresden
Germany. Soviet Zone., 1946, New Town Hall
Germany. Thuringen, 1946, Kamsdorf Bridge, Jena
Germany. Württemberg, 1920, Ulm
Germany. Württemberg, 1920, Ulm
Ghana, 1982, Brandenburg Gate, Robert Koch
Ghana, 1989, Tricolour, 1794, and musket
Ghana, 1989, Map of Paris
Ghana, 1989, Departure of the volonteers in 1792
Ghana, 1992, Quadriga Brandenburg gate
Ghana, 1992, Brandenburg gate
Ghana, 1995, Arc de Triomphe
Ghana, 1999, Railway Suburban in Paris
Ghana, 1999, Train near Arc de Triomphe
Ghana, 2006, John Jervis
Ghana, 2006, HMS «Victory»
Ghana, 2006, HMS «Goliath» firing on «Guerrier»
Ghana, 2006, Death of Lord Nelson
Ghana, 2006, Nelson's flagships
Gibraltar, 1967, HMS «Victory»
Gibraltar, 1971, Wellington monument
Gibraltar, 1971, Wellington monument
Gibraltar, 1971, The Black Watch
Gibraltar, 1971, Royal Regiments of Fusiliers
Gibraltar, 1971, King's Own Royal Border Regiments
Gibraltar, 1971, Devonshire and Dorset Regiment
Gibraltar, 1972, The Duke of Cornwall's Light Infantry
Gibraltar, 1972, Kimg's Royal Rifle Corps
Gibraltar, 1972, Royal Navy
Gibraltar, 1973, Royal Welsh Fusiliers
Gibraltar, 1973, Royal Northumberland Fusiliers
Gibraltar, 1973, Grenadier Guards
Gibraltar, 1974, East Lancashire Regiment
Gibraltar, 1974, Royal Sussex Regiment
Gibraltar, 1975, East Surrey Regiment
Gibraltar, 1975, Highland Light Infantry
Gibraltar, 1975, Coldstream Guards
Gibraltar, 1976, Suffolk Regiment
Gibraltar, 1976, Northamptonshire Regiment
Gibraltar, 1976, Lancashire Fusiliers
Gibraltar, 1980, Horatio Nelson
Gibraltar, 1980, HMS «Victory»
Gibraltar, 1980, Admiral Lord Nelson
Gibraltar, 1980, HMS «Victory»
Gibraltar, 1998, Dog Nileus
Gibraltar, 1998, Admiral Lord Nelson
Gibraltar, 1998, Frances Nisbet, Lady Nelson
Gibraltar, 1998, HMS «Vanguard»
Gibraltar, 1998, Battle of the Nile
Gibraltar, 2000, HMS «Victory» into Gibraltar
Gibraltar, 2001, Battle of the Trafalgar
Gibraltar, 2005, Soldier guarding Nelson's body
Gibraltar, 2005, HMS «Entreprenante»
Gibraltar, 2005, Admiral Lord Nelson
Gibraltar, 2005, HMS «Victory»
Gibraltar, 2005, HMS «Victory» and HMS «Neptune»
Gibraltar, 2005, Death of Nelson
Gibraltar, 2005, Death of Nelson
Gibraltar, 2008, HMS «Agamemnon»
Gibraltar, 2008, HMS «La Minerve»
Gibraltar, 2008, HMS «Captain»
Gibraltar, 2008, HMS «Vanguard»
Gibraltar, 2008, HMS «Amphion»
Gibraltar, 2008, HMS «Victory»
Gibraltar, 2008, Birtplace of Lord Nelson
Gibraltar, 2008, Lord Nelson
Great Britain, 1951, HMS «Victory»
Great Britain, 1973, Charles Sturt
Great Britain, 1980, Montage of London Buildings, Nelson Column
Great Britain, 1982, Nelson, HMS «Victory»
Great Britain, 1983, Royal Green Jackets
Great Britain, 1993, The Six Napoleons
Great Britain, 1996, Laurence Olivier and Vivien Leigh in «Lady Hamilton»
Great Britain, 2005, «Entrepreante» with dismasted British «Belle Isle»
Great Britain, 2005, Nelson wounded on Deck of HMS «Victory»
Great Britain, 2005, «Entrepreante» attempting to rescue Crew of burning «Achille»
Great Britain, 2005, Catter and HMS «Pickle»
Great Britain, 2005, Nelson attacking in two columns
Great Britain, 2005, Franco/Spanish Flleet putting to Sea from Cadiz
Great Britain, 2005, Admiral Nelson
Great Britain, 2005, Nelson's portrait
Great Britain, 2005, Admiral Nelson
Great Britain, 2007, Riflemen, 95th Rifles, 1813
Great Britain, 2009, Battles of Wellington
Great Britain, 2009, Royal Marine, 1805
Great Britain, 2009, Royal Navy Admiral, 1795
Greece, 1927, General Fabvier and Acropolis
Greece, 1927, General Fabvier and Acropolis
Greece, 1927, General Fabvier and Acropolis
Greece, 1927/1928, Edward Codrington
Greece, 1927/1928, Edward Codrington
Greece, 1927/1928, Van der Heyden
Greece, 1927/1928, De Rigny
Greece, 1930, Aleksander Ypsilanti
Greece, 1930, Ioannis Kapodistrias
Greece, 1971, Signature and seal of Kapodístrias
Greece, 1977, Admirals Van der Heyden, Codrington and de Rigny
Greece, 2008, Ioánnis Kapodístrias
Grenada, 1970, Zhukov, Brandenburg Gate
Grenada, 1970, De Gaulle, Arc de Triomphe
Grenada, 1971, Napoleon rewewing the Guard
Grenada, 1971, Napoleon before Madrid
Grenada, 1971, Napoleon crossing the Alp
Grenada, 1971, Napoleon in His Study
Grenada, 1971, 29th Regiments of Foot, 1794
Grenada, 1971, 9th Regiments of Foot, 1801
Grenada, 1971, 2nd Regiments of Foot, 1815
Grenada, 1984, George III
Grenada, 1984, George IV
Grenada, 1988, Zeppelin over Brandenburg Gate
Grenada, 1991, Bougainville's Ship «La Boudeuse»
Grenada, 1995, Reagan near Brandenburg Gate
Grenada, 1996, HMS «Victory» and fall of Nelson
Grenada, 1999, Train near Notre Dame de Paris
Grenada, 2000, George III
Grenada, 2000, George IV
Grenada, 2000, Don Gaspar Jovellanos y Ramirez
Grenada, 2002, Arc de Triomphe
Grenada, 2002, Reagan near Brandenburg Gate
Grenada, 2003, Stroganov as a child
Grenada, 2005, William I and William II
Grenada, 2005, Nelson; Napoleon; HMS «Victory»
Grenada, 2005, After the Battle of the Nile
Grenada, 2005, Champ de Mars, Eiffel Tower
Grenada, 2010, Guillaume-Henri Dufour
Grenada Grenadines, 1989, Mickey and Donald near Military Academy
Grenada Grenadines, 1989, Mickey and Minnie near Luxembourg palace
Grenada Grenadines, 1989, Mickey near Vendome column
Grenada Grenadines, 1989, Mickey and Minnie over Versalles
Grenada Grenadines, 1995, Lion from Nelson's column
Grenada Grenadines, 1997, Scandola Nature Reserve. Corse
Grenada Grenadines, 1997, Notre-Dame
Grenada Grenadines, 1997, Fontainebleau
Grenada Grenadines, 2001, Wounded of Nelson
Grenada Grenadines, 2001, Blowing up of the french Flagship «L’Orient»
Grenada Grenadines, 2001, HMS «Erebus» and John Franklin
Grenada Grenadines, 2005, Blowing up of the french Flagship «L’Orient»
Grenada Grenadines, 2005, Battle of the Nile
Grenada Grenadines, 2005, Alexander Ball
Grenada Grenadines, 2005, D'Aigalliers Francois Brueys
Grenada Grenadines, 2005, Aristide-Aubert Dupetit-Thouars
Guadeloupe, 1936, Notre-Dame and Arc de Triomphe de l’Etoile
Guadeloupe, 1946, Victory and Arc de Triomphe de l’Etoile
Guadeloupe, 1946, Liberation of Paris
Guatemala, 1982, Jose de San Martin
Guernsey, 1969, Arms of Sark and George III
Guernsey, 1969, Isaak Brock as colonel
Guernsey, 1969, Sir Isaac Brock as Major-General
Guernsey, 1969, Sir Isaac Brock as Ensign
Guernsey, 1969, Arms and Flags
Guernsey, 1971, Arms of Sark and George III
Guernsey, 1974/1976, Private, East Regt., 1815
Guernsey, 1974/1976, Gunner Officer, 1815
Guernsey, 1974/1976, Royal Guernsey Cavalry, 1814
Guernsey, 1980, Maj.-Gen Le Marchant
Guernsey, 1980, Admiral Lord De Somares
Guernsey, 1982, HMS «Crescent» (1793)
Guernsey, 1986, Scaudron off Nargue Island (HMS «Victory»)
Guernsey, 1986, Battle of the Nile. 1798
Guernsey, 1986, Battle of St. Vincent. 1797
Guernsey, 1986, HMS «Crescent» off Sherbourg. 1793
Guernsey, 1986, HMS «Russel» in Battle of the Saints
Guernsey, 1996, Maj.-Gen Brock on Horseback. 1812
Guernsey, 1999, Maj.-Gen Le Marchant and Cadet
Guernsey, 1999, Duke of York
Guinea, 1937, Arc de Triomphe, Notre Dame de Paris
Guinea, 1937, Arc de Triomphe, Notre Dame de Paris
Guinea, 1983, Balloons, Dom des Invalides
Guinea, 1991, Napoleon, battle of Friedland
Guinea, 1991, Brandenburg Gate
Guinea, 1992, Brandenburg Gate
Guinea, 1992, Brandenburg Gate
Guinea, 1994, Prince de Lichtenstein, Battle of Austerlitz
Guinea, 1994, Ney, battle of Borodino
Guinea, 1994, Bagration, battle of Borodino
Guinea, 1994, Murat, battle of Austerlitz
Guinea, 1994, Napoleon, battle of Austerlitz
Guinea, 1994, Napoleon, battle of Borodino
Guinea, 1998, «The Pride And The Passion»
Guinea, 1998, Brandenburg Gate and Mercedes (1903)
Guinea, 1998, Arc de Triomphe and Rolland Pilain
Guinea, 1998, Notre Dame de Paris, Pilair Torpedo (1912)
Guinea, 1998, HMS «Victory» leaving the Channel
Guinea, 1999, The Road from Versailles at Louveciennes
Guinea, 2002, Napoleon on throne
Guinea, 2006, Arc de Triomphe de l’Etoile
Guinea, 2006, Arc de Triomphe de l’Etoile
Guinea, 2006, John Paul II, Louvre
Guinea, 2007, Brandenburg gate
Guinea, 2007, Nicolas Sarkozy, Brandenburg gate
Guinea, 2007, Nelson column
Guinea, 2007, Jean Champollion, Napoleon I
Guinea, 2007, Jean Champollion
Guinea, 2007, Napoleon I
Guinea, 2007, St. Isaak cathedral
Guinea, 2007, Portrait of Count N. D. Guriev
Guinea, 2007, Piramide du Louvre, Arc de Triumphe
Guinea, 2007, Battle of Eylau
Guinea, 2007, Notre-Dame de Paris
Guinea, 2007, Madlene
Guinea, 2007, Arc de Triumphe du Carrousel
Guinea, 2007, Salonina Matidia, Louvre
Guinea, 2007, Louvre
Guinea, 2007, Churchill, Brandenburg gate
Guinea, 2007, Churchill, Brandenburg gate
Guinea, 2007, Guillamme-Henri Dufour
Guinea, 2007, Napoleon III
Guinea, 2007, Guillamme-Henri Dufour
Guinea, 2008, Cathedral in honor of Christ the Saviour
Guinea, 2008, Simone de Beauvoir
Guinea, 2008, Pierre-Simon Laplace
Guinea, 2009, Notre Dame de Paris
Guinea, 2009, St. Isaak Cathedral, Alexander column
Guinea, 2009, Brandenburg Gate
Guinea, 2009, Notre Dame de Paris
Guinea, 2010, Arc de Triomphe de l’Etoile
Guinea, 2010, Louvre
Guinea, 2010, Verallies
Guinea, 2010, General Dufour
Guinea, 2010, Charles de Gaulle, Arc de Triomphe de l’Etoile
Guinea, 2010, George III
Guinea, 2010, Napoleon I
Guinea, 2010, Napoleon I
Guinea, 2011, Rene Chateaubriand
Guinea Bissau, 1989, La Marsellaise
Guinea Bissau, 2003, St. Isaak Cathedral
Guinea Bissau, 2003, St. Isaak Cathedral
Guinea Bissau, 2003, St. Isaak Cathedral
Guinea Bissau, 2003, Louvre
Guinea Bissau, 2003, War gallery of Winter palace
Guinea Bissau, 2003, Louvre
Guinea Bissau, 2004, Brandenburg gate
Guinea Bissau, 2007, Buildings of Paris
Guinea Bissau, 2007, Pantheon
Guinea Bissau, 2008, Bach, Brandenburg Gate
Guinea Bissau, 2008, Napoleon, Louvre
Guinea Bissau, 2008, Saragossa
Guinea Bissau, 2010, Lech Kaczynski, monument of Poniatowski
Guyana, 1991, Brandenburg Gate and Location plan
Guyana, 1991, George Bush and Lech Walensa
Guyana, 1991, Gensher and Kohl
Guyana, 1991, Statues of Brandenburg Gate
Guyana, 1992, Cat near Champ de Mars
Guyana, 1993, Coronation of Napoleon
Guyana, 1994, Allies entering Paris
Guyana, 1995, Soviet troops on Brandenburg Gate
Guyana, 1995, Bastilia day
Guyana, 1997, Scandola Nature Reserve. Corse
Guyana, 1999, Train near Notre-Dame de Paris
Guyana, 2001, The Quay of the Louvre
Guyana, 2005, Allies entering Paris
Guyana, 2005, Admiral Collingwood
Guyana, 2005, Nelson wounded, 1797
Guyana, 2005, Burial of Nelson
Guyana, 2005, Nelson and Hardy
Guyana, 2005, First shots fired in Battle of Trafalgar
Guyana, 2005, British ship hoisting signals to begin pincer movement
Guyana, 2005, Admiral Nelson
Haiti, 1904, Toussaint L'Ouverture
Haiti, 1904, Toussaint L'Ouverture
Haiti, 1904, Jean Jacque Dessalines
Haiti, 1904, Jean Jacque Dessalines
Haiti, 1904, Alexandre Sabès Pétion
Haiti, 1904, Alexandre Sabès Petion
Haiti, 1924, Citadel of Christophe
Haiti, 1933/1940, Plane over Citadel of Christophe
Haiti, 1933/1940, Plane over Citadel of Christophe
Haiti, 1933/1940, Plane over Citadel of Christophe
Haiti, 1933/1940, Plane over Citadel of Christophe
Haiti, 1933/1940, Plane over Citadel of Christophe
Haiti, 1933/1940, Plane over Citadel of Christophe
Haiti, 1933/1940, Fort National in Christophe's Citadel
Haiti, 1933/1940, Palace of Sans Souci in Christophe's Citadel
Haiti, 1933/1940, Christophe's Chapel, Milot
Haiti, 1933/1940, King's Gallery in Christophe's Citadel
Haiti, 1935, Three Dumas
Haiti, 1935, Three Dumas
Haiti, 1935, Three Dumas
Haiti, 1946, Capois la Mort
Haiti, 1946, Capois la Mort
Haiti, 1946, Capois la Mort
Haiti, 1946, Capois la Mort
Haiti, 1946, Capois la Mort
Haiti, 1946, Capois la Mort
Haiti, 1946, Capois la Mort
Haiti, 1946, Capois la Mort
Haiti, 1946, Capois la Mort
Haiti, 1946, Capois la Mort
Haiti, 1946, Capois la Mort
Haiti, 1946, Capois la Mort
Haiti, 1946, Capois la Mort
Haiti, 1946, Capois la Mort
Haiti, 1946, Capois la Mort
Haiti, 1946, Capois la Mort
Haiti, 1946, Capois la Mort
Haiti, 1947, Jean Jacque Dessalines
Haiti, 1947, Jean Jacque Dessalines
Haiti, 1947, Jean Jacque Dessalines
Haiti, 1947, Jean Jacque Dessalines
Haiti, 1947, Jean Jacque Dessalines
Haiti, 1949, Washington, Dessalines and Bolivar
Haiti, 1949, Washington, Dessalines and Bolivar
Haiti, 1949, Washington, Dessalines and Bolivar
Haiti, 1949, Washington, Dessalines and Bolivar
Haiti, 1949, Washington, Dessalines and Bolivar
Haiti, 1949, Washington, Dessalines and Bolivar
Haiti, 1949, Washington, Dessalines and Bolivar
Haiti, 1949, Washington, Dessalines and Bolivar
Haiti, 1954, Lamartiniere and Jeanne Marie
Haiti, 1954, Lamartiniere and Jeanne Marie
Haiti, 1954, Lamartiniere and Jeanne Marie
Haiti, 1954, Dessalines and Pres. Magloir
Haiti, 1954, Louis Boisrond Tonnerre
Haiti, 1954, Toussaint L'Ouverture
Haiti, 1954, Alexandre Sabès Petion
Haiti, 1954, Lamartiniere
Haiti, 1954, Dessalines and Pres. Magloir
Haiti, 1954, Capois la Mort
Haiti, 1954, Louis Boisrond Tonnerre
Haiti, 1954, Toussaint L'Ouverture
Haiti, 1954, Alexandre Sabès Petion
Haiti, 1954, Henri Christophe
Haiti, 1954, Jean Jacque Dessalines
Haiti, 1954, Alexandre Sabès Petion
Haiti, 1954, Lamartiniere
Haiti, 1954, Dessalines and Pres. Magloir
Haiti, 1954, Tomb and arms of King Christoph
Haiti, 1954, Tomb and arms of King Christoph
Haiti, 1954, Tomb and arms of King Christoph
Haiti, 1954, Tomb and arms of King Christoph
Haiti, 1954, Tomb and arms of King Christoph
Haiti, 1954, Tomb and arms of King Christoph
Haiti, 1954, Christophe and Pres. Magloir
Haiti, 1954, Christophe and Pres. Magloir
Haiti, 1954, Christophe and Pres. Magloir
Haiti, 1954, Christophe and Pres. Magloir
Haiti, 1954, Christophe and Pres. Magloir
Haiti, 1954, Christophe and Pres. Magloir
Haiti, 1955, Jean Jacque Dessalines
Haiti, 1955, Jean Jacque Dessalines
Haiti, 1955, Monument to Dessalines
Haiti, 1955, Monument to Dessalines
Haiti, 1955, Monument to Dessalines
Haiti, 1955, Monument to Dessalines
Haiti, 1955/1957, Jean Jacque Dessalines
Haiti, 1955/1957, Jean Jacque Dessalines
Haiti, 1955/1957, Jean Jacque Dessalines
Haiti, 1955/1957, Jean Jacque Dessalines
Haiti, 1955/1957, Jean Jacque Dessalines
Haiti, 1955/1957, Jean Jacque Dessalines
Haiti, 1955/1957, Jean Jacque Dessalines
Haiti, 1955/1957, Jean Jacque Dessalines
Haiti, 1958/1960, Dessalines and Monument
Haiti, 1958/1960, Dessalines and Monument
Haiti, 1958/1960, Dessalines and Monument
Haiti, 1958/1960, Dessalines and Monument
Haiti, 1958/1960, Dessalines and Monument
Haiti, 1961, House of general Dumas
Haiti, 1962, Stamp with Dessalines
Haiti, 1962, Stamp with Dessalines
Haiti, 1962, Stamp with Dessalines
Haiti, 1962, Dessalines' Statue
Haiti, 1962, Dessalines' Statue
Haiti, 1962, Dessalines' Statue
Haiti, 1962, Dessalines' Statue
Haiti, 1962, Dessalines' Statue
Haiti, 1962, Dessalines' Statue
Haiti, 1963, Dessalines' Statue
Haiti, 1963, Dessalines' Statue
Haiti, 1967, Dessalines and Melon
Haiti, 1967, Dessalines and Cabbage
Haiti, 1967, Dessalines and Mandarine
Haiti, 1967, Dessalines and Gourd
Haiti, 1967, Dessalines and Melon
Haiti, 1967, Dessalines and Cabbage
Haiti, 1967, Dessalines and Mandarine
Haiti, 1972, Jean Jacque Dessalines
Haiti, 1972, Jean Jacque Dessalines
Haiti, 1972, Jean Jacque Dessalines
Haiti, 1972, Jean Jacque Dessalines
Haiti, 1972, Jean Jacque Dessalines
Haiti, 1974, Jean Jacque Dessalines
Haiti, 1974, Jean Jacque Dessalines
Haiti, 1974, Jean Jacque Dessalines
Haiti, 1974, Jean Jacque Dessalines
Haiti, 1974, Jean Jacque Dessalines
Haiti, 1974, Jean Jacque Dessalines
Haiti, 1974, Jean Jacque Dessalines
Haiti, 1977, Jean Jacque Dessalines
Haiti, 1977, Jean Jacque Dessalines
Haiti, 1977, Jean Jacque Dessalines
Haiti, 1977, Jean Jacque Dessalines
Haiti, 1977, Jean Jacque Dessalines
Haiti, 1977, Jean Jacque Dessalines
Haiti, 1977, Jean Jacque Dessalines
Haiti, 1977, Jean Jacque Dessalines
Haiti, 1977, Jean Jacque Dessalines
Haiti, 1977, Jean Jacque Dessalines
Haiti, 1977, Jean Jacque Dessalines
Haiti, 1977, Jean Jacque Dessalines
Haiti, 1977, Jean Jacque Dessalines
Haiti, 1977, Jean Jacque Dessalines
Haiti, 1980, Jean Jacque Dessalines
Haiti, 1980, Jean Jacque Dessalines
Haiti, 1980, Jean Jacque Dessalines
Haiti, 1980, Jean Jacque Dessalines
Haiti, 1980, Jean Jacque Dessalines
Haiti, 1980, Henri Christophe Citadel
Haiti, 1980, Henri Christophe Citadel
Haiti, 1982, Jean Jacque Dessalines
Haiti, 1982, Jean Jacque Dessalines
Haiti, 1985, Alexandre Petion and Bolivare
Haiti, 1985, Alexandre Petion and Bolivare
Haiti, 1985, Alexandre Petion and Bolivare
Haiti, 1985, Alexandre Petion and Bolivare
Haiti, 1985, Alexandre Petion and Bolivare
Haiti, 1985, Alexandre Petion and Bolivare
Haiti, 2001, Toussaint L'Ouverture and Book
Haiti, 2001, Toussaint L'Ouverture
Haiti, 2003, Toussaint L'Ouverture
Haiti, 2003, Toussaint L'Ouverture
Hungary, 1932, István Szechenyi
Hungary, 1941, István Szechenyi
Hungary, 1941, István Szechenyi and Academy of Science
Hungary, 1941, Giant opening Straits of Kazan
Hungary, 1941, Budapest Chain Bridge
Hungary, 1941, Locomotive and «Szent Istvan»
Hungary, 1948, Shako, trumpet and sword
Hungary, 1948, Victor Hugo, Notre-Dame de Paris
Hungary, 1948, Lev Tolstoy, «War and Peace»
Hungary, 1950, Josef Bem and Battle of Piski
Hungary, 1950, Josef Bem and Battle of Piski
Hungary, 1950, Josef Bem and Battle of Piski
Hungary, 1950, Josef Bem and Battle of Piski
Hungary, 1951, Storming of Winter palace
Hungary, 1952, Kremlin in Moskow
Hungary, 1952, Josef Bem and Battle of Piski
Hungary, 1959, Cavalrymen
Hungary, 1963, Mail Coach and Arc de Triomphe
Hungary, 1966, István Szechenyi
Hungary, 1966, Kremlin in Moskow
Hungary, 1966, Arc de Triomphe
Hungary, 1971, The Marselliaise
Hungary, 1975, «Panhard Levassor» (1912)
Hungary, 1975, Istvan Szecheyi
Hungary, 1976, Banknotes of 1925 and 1975
Hungary, 1977, Horse and István Szechenyi
Hungary, 1977, Ballon over Paris
Hungary, 1978, Hussars officer, 1809
Hungary, 1980, Károly Kisfaludy
Hungary, 1982, Philexfrance'82
Hungary, 1983, Kremlin in Moskow
Hungary, 1991, István Szechenyi
Hungary, 1994, Josef Bem
Hungary, 1999, Josef Bem
Hungary, 2001, István Szechenyi and Bridge
Indochine, 1937, Notre-Dame de Paris and Arc de Triomphe de l’Etoile
Indochine, 1943—1945, Bust of Chasseloup-Laubat
Indochine, 1946, Victory and Arc de Triomphe de l’Etoile
Indochine, 1946, Liberation of Paris
Indonesia, 1999, Champs de Mars and Ecole Militare
Irland, 1957, Admiral William Brown
Irland, 1957, Admiral William Brown
Irland, 1998, French Soldier
Irland, 2000, Napoleon crossing the Alp
Irland, 2003, Admiral William Brown
Irland, 2003, Admiral William Brown
Isle of Man, 1979, John Quilliam seized by Press Gang
Isle of Man, 1979, Steering HMS «Victory», Battle of Trafalgar
Isle of Man, 1979, John Quilliam and HMS «Spencer»
Isle of Man, 1979, Captain John Quilliam (members of the House of Keys)
Isle of Man, 1981, Lt. Mark Wilks and Peel Castle
Isle of Man, 1981, Ensign Mark Wilks and Fort St. George, Madras
Isle of Man, 1981, Governor Mark Wilks and Napoleon, St. Helena
Isle of Man, 1981, Col. Mark Wilks and Estate, Kirby
Isle of Man, 1989, Willem Bligh and Old Church, Onchan
Isle of Man, 1989, Bligh and Loyal Crew cast Adrift
Isle of Man, 1989, Pitcairn islands 1989 Stamp
Isle of Man, 1996, Cat near Brandenburg Gate
Isle of Man, 2000, John Quilliam and Lord Nelson, Battle of Trafalgar
Isle of Man, 2000, Ensign Caesar Bakon and Duke of Wellington, Battle of Waterloo
Isle of Man, 2005, Battle of Nile; battle of Copenhagen
Isle of Man, 2005, Emma, Horatia and Nelson; Band of Brothers
Isle of Man, 2005, Prepare to the Battle; Victory in Sight
Isle of Man, 2005, Fall of Nelson
Isle of Man, 2005, John Quilliam and Lord Nelson; Steering HMS «Victory»
Isle of Man, 2005, Removial of Nelson's Body at Gibraltar
Isle of Man, 2006, William Bligh
Israel, 2009, Berek Joselewicz
Italy, 1957, Pauline Borghese as Venus
Italy, 2000, Battle of Marengo
Jamaica, 1955, HMS «Britania»
Jamaica, 2004, Toussaint l'Ouverture
Jamaica, 2005, Gun Captain holding Pover Carridge
Jamaica, 2005, Admiral Nelson
Jamaica, 2005, British 12 pounder cannon
Jamaica, 2005, HMS «Africa»
Jamaica, 2005, HMS «Leviathan»
Jamaica, 2005, HMS «Victory»
Jamaica, 2005, HMS «Africa» at Port Royal
Jamaica, 2005, HMS «Victory»
Jamaica, 2005, Battle of Trafalgar
Jamaica, 2005, Admiral Nelson
Jersey, 1973, Stamp with Napoleon III
Jersey, 1976, D'Auvern and Long Island Landing
Jersey, 1987, HMS «Racehorse» and HMS «Carcass»
Jersey, 1987, HMS «Alarm» on Fire, Rhode Island (1777)
Jersey, 1987, HMS «Arethusa» wrecked off Ushant (1779)
Jersey, 1987, HMS «Rattlesnake», stranded on Isle of Trinidad (1782)
Jersey, 1987, Mont Orgueil Castle and fishing boat
Jersey, 1989, Philippe D'Auvergne presented to Louis XVI
Jersey, 1989, Auvergne's Headquarters at Mont Orgueil, 1795
Jersey, 1991, Prince's Tower La Hogue Bie
Jersey, 1991, Auvergne's Arrest in Paris
Jersey, 1991, Auvergne plotting against Napoleon (1803)
Jersey, 1991, Execution of Cadoudal
Jersey, 1991, HMS «Surly» (cutter) attacking French Convoy
Jersey, 1991, Auvergne's Last Days in London
Jersey, 2005, HMS «Belleisle»
Jersey, 2005, HMS «Royal Sovereign»
Jersey, 2005, HMS «Neptune»
Jersey, 2005, HMS «Euryalus»
Jersey, 2005, HMS «Mars»
Jersey, 2005, HMS «Victory»
Kiribati, 2005, French 36 pounder cannon
Kiribati, 2005, «San Indefonso» in action against HMS «Defence»
Kiribati, 2005, HMS «Victory» lashed to «Redoubtable»
Kiribati, 2005, Napoleon Bonaparte
Kiribati, 2005, HMS «Victory»
Kiribati, 2005, Admiral Lord Nelson
Kiribati, 2005, Spanish ship «Santissima Trinidad»; Admiral Frederico Gravina
Kiribati, 2005, HMS «Victory»
Kiribati, 2005, Battle of Trafalgar
Kiribati, 2005, Admiral Nelson
Korea Nord, 1978, Brandenburg gate
Korea Nord, 1981, Stamp with Monument to Archducke Charles
Korea Nord, 1981, Count von Zeppelin and Fontainebleau
Korea Nord, 1982, Balloon in Versailles, 1783
Korea Nord, 1984, George IV
Korea Nord, 1984, George III
Korea Nord, 1984, Marie-Louise
Korea Nord, 1984, Franz I
Korea Nord, 1984, Louis XVIII
Korea Nord, 1984, Versailles
Korea Nord, 1984, Napoleon III on the horse
Laos, 1984, The Family of Carlos IV
Laos, 1985, Military parade at Brandenburg Gate
Laos, 1987, Storming the Winter palace
Laos, 1997, HMS «Victory»
Laos, 2005, Notre-Dame and That Lauang
Latvia, 1998, Victory column
Latvia, 2004, Louvre and Arc de Triomphe
Lesotho, 1989, General
Lesotho, 1989, Infantry
Lesotho, 1989, Grenadier
Lesotho, 1989, Cavalry
Lesotho, 1989, Hussar
Lesotho, 1989, Marine
Lesotho, 1989, National Guard
Lesotho, 1989, Admiral
Lesotho, 1996, Brandenburg Gate
Lesotho, 1996, Train near Brandenburg Gate
Lesotho, 1999, Train near Brandenburg Gate
Lesotho, 2005, HMS «Victory»; Nelson; Battle of Trafalgar
Lesotho, 2005, Admiral Nelson
Liberia, 1958, Brandenburg Gate
Liberia, 1958, Arc de Triomphe
Liberia, 1970, The First Consul
Liberia, 1970, Napoleon visiting school
Liberia, 1970, Napoleon in Malmaison
Liberia, 1970, The French Campaign
Liberia, 1970, The Abdication
Liberia, 1970, Meeting of Napoleon and Pope Pius VII
Liberia, 1970, Coronation of Napoleon
Liberia, 1971, Maximilian's Squere
Liberia, 1972, HMS «Ajax»
Liberia, 1972, HMS «Victory»
Liberia, 2000, Friedrich Wilhelm III
Liberia, 2001, HMS «Victory»
Liberia, 2005, Nelson's Ships
Liberia, 2005, The Fighting Temeraire
Liberia, 2005, «Santissima Trinidad»
Liberia, 2005, HMS «Victory» into Gibraltar
Liberia, 2005, Fall of Nelson
Liechtenstein, 1920, Prince Johann I
Liechtenstein, 1942, Prince Johann I
Liechtenstein, 1984, Portrait of Suvorov
Liechtenstein, 2002, Stamp with Prince Johann I
Liechtenstein, 2006, Johann I
Luxemburg, 1939, William I
Luxemburg, 1939, William II
Luxemburg, 1990, Views of the Formre Fortress of Luxembourg
Luxemburg, 1990, Views of the Formre Fortress of Luxembourg
Luxemburg, 1990, Views of the Formre Fortress of Luxembourg
Luxemburg, 1990, Views of the Formre Fortress of Luxembourg
Luxemburg, 2005, Jean-Pierre Pescatore
Madagaskar, 1937, Paris International Exhibition
Madagaskar, 1942, Hell, Jehenn and Passot
Madagaskar, 1946, Victory, Arc of Triomphe
Madagaskar, 1946, Liberation of Paris
Madagaskar, 1975, Washington, falling of Nelson
Madagaskar, 1976, Brandenburg Gate
Madagaskar, 1984, Paris landmarks
Madagaskar, 1985, French Troops entering Paris
Madagaskar, 1989, Desmoulins' call to arms
Madagaskar, 1989, Lafayette and croud demanding bread
Madagaskar, 1989, Commitee of Public Safety
Madagaskar, 1989, La Marseillaise
Madagaskar, 1989, The Tennis Court Oath
Madagaskar, 1990, Parod under Arc de Triumphe, 1944
Madagaskar, 1992, Croud at Branderburg Gate
Madagaskar, 1993, HMS «Victory»
Madagaskar, 1994, Crowd and Arc de Triomphe
Madagaskar, 1994, Notre Dame, Armed Resistence Fighters and Crowd
Madagaskar, 1994, Kremlin, Moscow
Madagaskar, 1994, Notre Dame de Paris
Madagaskar, 1996, Francois Mitterrand, Arc de Triomphe de l’Etoile
Maldives, 1977, Medal with Louis XVIII
Maldives, 1983, Mercedes-Benz 300 SL and Brandenburg Gate
Maldives, 1989, William Bligh, «Bounty»
Maldives, 1990, Portrait of spouses of Lavoisier
Maldives, 1990, Madame Pastoret
Maldives, 1990, Madame Trudaine
Maldives, 1990, Self-portrait (David)
Maldives, 1990, The Tennis Court Oath
Maldives, 1991, Brandenburg Gate
Maldives, 1992, Flag and postcard
Maldives, 1992, Man with child
Maldives, 1992, Soldier, demonstrator
Maldives, 1992, Iron Crosses
Maldives, 1992, Quadriga, Helmet
Maldives, 1992, Quadriga, Helmet
Maldives, 1992, Quadriga, 1939 Helmet
Maldives, 1993, Konrad Adenauer
Maldives, 1993, Madame Seriziat with son
Maldives, 1993, Pierre Seriziat
Maldives, 1993, Madame de Verninac
Maldives, 1993, Madame Recamier
Maldives, 1993, Self-portrait (David)
Maldives, 1993, General Bonaparte
Maldives, 1993, The Lictors brinning Brutus his Son's Body
Maldives, 1993, The Lictors brinning Brutus his Son's Body
Maldives, 1997, Scandola Nature Reserve. Corse
Maldives, 1999, Locomotive «Versailles» (1837), Notre Dame
Maldives, 2000, French Revolution. Napoleon
Maldives, 2000, Napoleon in Egypt
Maldives, 2003, Aleksander Kurakin
Maldives, 2005, Collingwood; Napoleon; Nelson; Hardy
Maldives, 2005, Battle of Trafalgar
Mali, 1969, Napoleon as First Consul
Mali, 1969, Napoleon near Austerlitz
Mali, 1979, Judo, Notre-Dame
Mali, 1983, Lavoisier
Mali, 1998, Arc de Triomphe de l’Etoile
Malta, 1965, French occupation of Malta
Malta, 1988, Light Infantry private, 1800
Malta, 1988, Coast Artillery gunner, 1802
Malta, 1988, Ist Maltese Provincial Battalion field officer
Malta, 1988, Royal Malta Regiment subaltern, 1809
Malta, 1989, Officer of the Maltese veterans, 1815
Malta, 1997, Hompesch Arch, Ferdinand von Hompesch
Malta, 1998, Ferdinand von Hompesch
Malta, 1998, French siege of Malta
Malta, 1998, French Landing at Malta
Malta, 1998, Napoleon
Malta, 1999, Mikiel Xerri
Malta, 1999, Heroes of Malta
Malta, 1999, General de Vabois
Malta, 1999, Alexander Ball
Malta, 2006, «Guillaume Tell»
Malta, 2009, French period
Manama, 1970, Napoleon in His Study
Manama, 1970, Installation of the Council of State
Manama, 1970, Defence of Paris
Manama, 1970, Surrender of Madrid
Manama, 1970, Napoleon at Ratisbon
Manama, 1970, The Battle of Austerlitz
Manama, 1970, Marriage of Napoleon and Marie-Louise
Manama, 1970, Battle of Jena
Manama, 1971, Royal Navi, 1805
Manama, 1971, Rifle Regiment, 1807
Manama, 1971, Brunswick Black Corps, 1809
Manama, 1971, 93rd Hidhlanders, 1810
Manama, 1971, King's German Legion, 1812
Manama, 1971, Regiment of Dragoons, 1812
Manama, 1971, Greek Infantery, 1813
Manama, 1971, King's Hussars, 1813
Manama, 1971, Battle of Trafalgar
Manama, 1972, Napoleon in coronation robes
Manama, 1972, Coronation of Napoleon
Manama, 1972, Napoleon in Malmaison
Manama, 1972, Battle of Pyramids
Manama, 1972, Napoleon after Battle of Marengo
Manama, 1972, Napoleon in the room of King of Rome
Manama, 1972, Napoleon crossing the Alp
Manama, 1972, Bonaparte at Arcole
Manama, 1972, Memory of Malmaison
Manama, 1972, Surrender of Madrid
Manama, 1972, Return to Lobau
Manama, 1972, Napoleon in Fontainebleau
Manama, 1972, Napoleon at Waterloo
Manama, 1972, Tomb of Napoleon
Manama, 1972, General Palafox
Manama, 1972, Napoleon as First Consul
Manama, 1972, Napoleon I
Manama, 1972, Napoleon on board the «Bellerophon»
Manama, 1972, Napoleon at Eylau
Manama, 1972, Napoleon and Poniatowski
Manama, 1972, Coronation of Napoleon
Manama, 1972, Napoleon and Queen Luisse of Prussia in Tilsit
Manama, 1972, Napoleon in His Study
Marshall Islands, 1990, Íåìåöêèå âîéñêà ïðîõîäÿò ïîä Òðèóìôàëüíîé àðêîé
Marshall Islands, 1990, Áðàíäåíáóðãñêèå âîðîòà â ïðàçäíè÷íîé èëëþìèíàöèè
Marshall Islands, 1994, St. Isaak Cathedral
Marshall Islands, 1994, HMS «Britania»
Marshall Islands, 1994, Âîéñêà ìàðøèðóþò ïî Åëèñåéñêèì ïîëÿì
Marshall Islands, 1995, Ìàðøàë Æóêîâ íà ôîíå Áðàíäåíáóðãñêèõ âîðîò
Marshall Islands, 1998, «Santissima Trinidad»
Marshall Islands, 1998, HMS «Victory»
Marshall Islands, 1999, John F. Kennedy and Brandenburg Gate
Marshall Islands, 2000, Brandenburg Gate
Marshall Islands, 2005, «Santissima Trinidad»
Marshall Islands, 2005, HMS «Victory»
Marshall Islands, 2005, HMS «Victory»
Marshall Islands, 2008, HMS «Victory»
Martinica, 1937, Arc de Triomphe, Notre Dame
Martinica, 1946, Victory and Arc de Triomphe
Martinica, 1946, Liberation of Paris
Mauritanie, 1937, Arc de Triomphe, Notre Dame
Mauritanie, 1937, Arc de Triomphe, Notre Dame
Mauritanie, 1969, Bonaparte at the Conseil des Cinq-Cents
Mauritanie, 1969, Installation of the Council of State
Mauritanie, 1969, The Farewell at Fontainebleau
Mauritius, 1961, George III and Elizabeth II
Mauritius, 1961, George III and Elizabeth II
Mauritius, 1961, George III and Elizabeth II
Mauritius, 1961, George III and Elizabeth II
Mauritius, 1972, Rober Surcouf
Mauritius, 1974, Rober Surcouf, «Kent»
Mauritius, 1978, Coin wise Eagle of Bonaparte
Mauritius, 2006, Charles Decaen
Mexico, 1989, Francisco Xavier Mina
Micronesia, 1984, Fyodor Litke
Micronesia, 1984, Fyodor Litke
Micronesia, 1986, Litke's Ship «Senyavin»
Micronesia, 1988, Litke's Ship «Senyavin»
Micronesia, 1999, Plane over Notre-Dame
Micronesia, 1999, Plane near Brandenburg Gate
Micronesia, 2005, Battle of Trafalgar
Micronesia, 2005, Blowing up of the french Flagship «L’Orient»
Micronesia, 2005, «Santissima Trinidad»
Micronesia, 2005, The Battle of Cape St Vincent
Micronesia, 2005, Death of admiral Nelson
Micronesia, 2010, George III and George IV
Micronesia, 2010, Napoleon at the Battle of Waterloo
Micronesia, 2010, Napoleon III
Moldova, 2007, Napoleon Bonaparte
Monaco, 1942, Honore V
Monaco, 1942, Florestan I
Monaco, 1960, Stamp with Napoleon III
Monaco, 1963, Moynier, Dunant and Dufour
Monaco, 1963, Route map, Notre Dame de Paris
Monaco, 1964, Plane over Paris
Monaco, 1968, Portrait of Chateaubriand
Monaco, 1968, Le Genie de christianisme
Monaco, 1968, Rene
Monaco, 1968, Le Dernier Abencerage
Monaco, 1968, Les Martyrs
Monaco, 1968, Atala
Monaco, 1968, Napoleon I, Louis XVIII, Charles X
Monaco, 1969, Napoleon
Monaco, 1973, Pantheon and Eiffel Tower
Monaco, 1974, Famous buildings
Monaco, 1974, The King of Rome
Monaco, 1977, Honore V
Monaco, 1978, Florestan I
Monaco, 1987, Honore V Silver Coin
Monaco, 1990, Jean Champollion
Monaco, 1992, Stamp with Napoleon III
Monaco, 1997, Florestan
Monaco, 1997, Honore V, Napoleon
Monaco, 1997, Honore V
Monaco, 1997, The Departure of Marcus Regulus
Monaco, 1999, Stamp with Napoleon III
Monaco, 2000, Bust of Napoleon
Monaco, 2002, Bust of Napoleon and medal
Monaco, 2004, Napoleon, Princes Honore-Gabriel and Joseph
Monaco, 2004, Imperial Insignia
Monaco, 2004, Stephanie de Beauharnais
Monaco, 2004, Napoleon Bonaparte
Monaco, 2008, Quadriga on Arch de Triumph
Monaco, 2008, Andre Massena
Monaco, 2008, Stendhal
Monaco, 2008, Coin of Honore V
Mongolia, 1982, Arc de Triomphe, Notre Dame
Mongolia, 1989, Citroen BX, Arc de Triomphe
Mongolia, 1997, Moskow Kremlin
Mongolia, 2002, Napoleon crossing the Alp
Montserrat, 1978, Private, 1796
Montserrat, 2005, Napoleon; Nelson; Battles of Nile and Trafalgar
Montserrat, 2005, Admiral Nelson
Morocco, 1943, La Marseillaise
Mozambique, 2000, Howard Staunton; Napoleon playing chess
Mozambique, 2009, Trains near Arc de Triomphe and Brandenburg Gate
Mozambique, 2012, Rousseau, statue of Diderot, Pantheon
Mozambique, 2012, Brandenburg Gate
Mozambique, 2012, General Dumas
Mozambique, 2013, Napoleon III
Mozambique, 2013, Napoleon III
Nauru, 2005, «L'Aigle» in action against HMS «Defiance»
Nauru, 2005, French Eprouvette pistol
Nauru, 2005, «Santissimo Trinidad» in action against HMS «Africa»
Nauru, 2005, Napoleon Bonaparte
Nauru, 2005, HMS «Victory»
Nauru, 2005, Admiral Lord Nelson
Nauru, 2005, Vice-Admiral Villeneuve; French ship «Formidable»
Nauru, 2005, HMS «Victory»
Nauru, 2005, Battle of Trafalgar
Nauru, 2005, Admiral Nelson
Netherlands, 1913, William I
Netherlands, 1913, William II
Netherlands, 1913, William I
Netherlands, 1913, William II
Netherlands, 1913, William I
Netherlands, 1913, William II
Netherlands, 1963, William I
Netherlands, 1963, William I
Netherlands, 1963, Hogendorp with Duthes
Netherlands, 1963, William I
Netherlands Antilles, 1963, William I
Netherlands Antilles, 2010, «Santissima Trinidad»
Nevis, 1981, Nelson's Museum
Nevis, 1983, HMS «Boreas»
Nevis, 1983, Nelson, HMS «Boreas»
Nevis, 1987, Fig Tree Church
Nevis, 1987, Frances Nisbet
Nevis, 1987, HMS «Boreas»
Nevis, 1987, Captain Nelson
Nevis, 1993, Nelson's Museum
Nevis, 2003, Teddy Bear as Napoleon
Nevis, 2005, William Cornwallis
Nevis, 2005, Richard Howe
Nevis, 2005, John Jervis, Earl of St Vincent
Nevis, 2005, Lord Howe on the Deck of the «Queen Charlotte»
New Caledonia, 1859, Louis-Napoleon
New Caledonia, 1928, Bougainville and La Perouse
New Caledonia, 1928, Bougainville and La Perouse
New Caledonia, 1928, Bougainville and La Perouse
New Caledonia, 1928, Bougainville and La Perouse
New Caledonia, 1928, Bougainville and La Perouse`
New Caledonia, 1928, Bougainville and La Perouse
New Caledonia, 1928, Bougainville and La Perouse
New Caledonia, 1928, Bougainville and La Perouse
New Caledonia, 1928, Bougainville and La Perouse
New Caledonia, 1928, Bougainville and La Perouse
New Caledonia, 1928, Bougainville and La Perouse
New Caledonia, 1928, Bougainville and La Perouse
New Caledonia, 1937, Notre Dame, Arc de Triomphe de l’Etoile
New Caledonia, 1939, Bougainville and La Perouse
New Caledonia, 1939, Bougainville and La Perouse
New Caledonia, 1939, Bougainville and La Perouse
New Caledonia, 1939, Bougainville and La Perouse
New Caledonia, 1939, Bougainville and La Perouse
New Caledonia, 1939, Bougainville and La Perouse
New Caledonia, 1946, Victory, Arc de Triomphe de l’Etoile
New Caledonia, 1946, Liberation of Paris
New Caledonia, 1960, Napoleon III
New Caledonia, 1960, Napoleon III
New Caledonia, 1964, Horses of Marlies
New Caledonia, 1969, Napoleon in coronation robes
New Caledonia, 1979, Stamp with Napoleon III
New Caledonia, 1986, Stamp with Napoleon III
New Caledonia, 1995, Brandenburg Gate, Arc de Triomphe de l’Etoile
New Caledonia, 1995, Bourbone palace
New Caledonia, 1995, Carco, Montmartre
New Caledonia, 1997, Henri Lafleur, Palais de Luxembourg
New Caledonia, 1999, Stamp with Napoleon III
New Caledonia, 1999, Stamp with Napoleon III
New Caledonia, 2008, Monument to Napoleon in Cherbourg
New Hebrides, 1968, Globe and Hemispheres
New Hebrides, 1968, Ships and map
New Hebrides, 1968, Bougainville and flowers
New Hebrides, 1968, Globe and Hemispheres
New Hebrides, 1968, Ships and map
New Hebrides, 1968, Bougainville and flowers
Nicaragua, 1975, Demolishing statue of George III
Nicaragua, 1976, Napoleon playing chess
Nicaragua, 1982, Arc de Triomphe de l’Etoile
Nicaragua, 1984, «Daimler» near Brandenburg Gate
Nicaragua, 1989, Procession of State General at Versalles
Nicaragua, 1994, Zeppelin over Brandenburg Gate
Nicaragua, 1999, Fields of Mars
Niger, 1937, Arc de Triomphe, Notre Dame
Niger, 1967, Self-portrait of David
Niger, 1969, Napoleon as First Consul
Niger, 1969, Bonaparte in Jaffa
Niger, 1969, Napoleon on throne
Niger, 1969, French campaign
Niger, 1971, Longwood, St. Helena; Napoleon
Niger, 1971, Napoleon after death
Niger, 1991, Helmut Kohl and Brandenburg Gate
Niuafo'ou, 1989, William Bligh
Niuafo'ou, 1991, Captain Bligh
Norfolk Island, 1989, The Mutiny on «Bounty»
Norfolk Island, 1989, Stamp of Pitcairn
Norfolk Island, 2000, Captain Bligh
Norfolk Island, 2006, Capt. Bligh cast adrift in «Bounty»'s launch
Okeania, 1937, Arc de Triomphe, Notre Dame de Paris
Okeania, 1946, Victory over Arc de Triomphe
Okeania, 1946, Liberation of Paris
Pakistan, 1989, The Tennis Court Oath
Palau, 1990, HMS «Victory»
Palau, 2000, Napoleon becomes Emperor
Palau, 2000, Innaguration of Pai's Piramid
Palau, 2005, Battle of Trafalgar
Palau, 2005, Surrender of french ship «Redoubtable» at Trafalgar
Palau, 2005, French ship «Redoubtable» at Trafalgar
Palau, 2005, HMS «Victory» nearling home
Palau, 2005, Fall of Nelson
Palau, 2010, General Dufour
Panama, 1964, Notre Dame de Paris
Papua, 1934, Nelson's Signal
Papua, 1934, Nelson's Signal
Papua New Guinea, 1988, Bougainville's ship
Papua New Guinea, 1999, Bougainville
Papua New Guinea, 1999, Bougainville's ship
Paraguay, 1969, Duke of Wellington
Paraguay, 1971, Napoleon crossing the Alp
Paraguay, 1971, Desiree Clary
Paraguay, 1971, Josephine
Paraguay, 1971, Marie-Louise
Paraguay, 1971, Madame Recamier
Paraguay, 1971, Countess Walewska
Paraguay, 1971, Victoria Kraus
Paraguay, 1971, Napoleon on Horseback
Paraguay, 1971, Battle of the Trafalgar
Paraguay, 1971, Napoleon with army
Paraguay, 1971, Tomb of Napoleon
Paraguay, 1972, Napoleon and Maria-Louisa in Anvers
Paraguay, 1978, Napoleon playing chess
Paraguay, 1978, Allegory of Madrid
Paraguay, 1978, The 2nd of May, 1808 at the Puerta del Sol
Paraguay, 1978, General Palafox
Paraguay, 1978, General San Martin
Paraguay, 1980, HMS «Victory» leaving the Channel
Paraguay, 1987, Brandenburg Gate
Paraguay, 1987, «San Juan de Nepomuceno»
Paraguay, 1987, «Santa Anna» è «Santissima Trinidad»
Paraguay, 1990, Brandenburg Gate
Paraguay, 1991, Brandenburg Gate
Penhryn, 1981, «La Boudeuse»
Penhryn, 1981, «La Boudeuse»
Penhryn, 1984, «La Boudeuse»
Peru, 1909, San Martin
Peru, 1921, General San Martin
Peru, 1921, Admiral Kochrane
Peru, 1921, Martin Guisse
Peru, 1921, Monument to San Martin
Peru, 1921, San Martin and Leguia
Peru, 1971, Martin Guisse
Peru, 1971, General San Martin
Peru, 1978, Jose de San Martin
Peru, 2000, General San Martin
Pitcairn island, 1940/1951, Captain Bligh, «Bounty»
Pitcairn island, 1967, Bligh and «Bounty»'s Launch
Pitcairn island, 1967, The Mutineers turning Bligh
Pitcairn island, 1967, Tomb of Bligh
Pitcairn island, 1969, Bligh and Chronometer
Pitcairn island, 1989, Captain Bligh and Breadfruit
Pitcairn island, 1989, Mutineers waking Bligh
Pitcairn island, 1989, Cristian and Bligh
Pitcairn island, 1989, Bligh and Crew in boat
Pitcairn island, 1989, The Mutineers turning Bligh
Pitcairn island, 1990, Bligh and Citadel in Plymouth
Pitcairn island, 1992, Birthplace of Bligh
Pitcairn island, 1992, Bligh on deck of «Bounty»
Pitcairn island, 1992, Boat of «Bounty»
Pitcairn island, 1992, Captain Bligh
Poland, 1928, Jozef Bem
Poland, 1938, Kosciuszko, Poniatowski and Dabrovski
Poland, 1944, Jan Dabrovski
Poland, 1945, Monument to Poniatowski
Poland, 1948, Genrik Dembinski and Jozef Bem
Poland, 1950, Jozef Bem and Battle at Piski
Poland, 1952, Assault of Winter Palace, Aleksander's Column
Poland, 1952, Assault of Winter Palace, Aleksander's Column
Poland, 1954, Berlin-Warsaw-Prague
Poland, 1956, Poniatowski Monument
Poland, 1970, Soldiers near Brandenburg Gate
Poland, 1970, Maria Walewska
Poland, 1972, «New Don Quixote»
Poland, 1977, Sputnik and Aleksander's Column
Poland, 1978, Aleksander Fredro
Poland, 1985, Soldiers near Brandenburg Gate
Poland, 1991, Constitution of 3 May 1791
Poland, 1992, Josef Poniatowski
Poland, 1993, Dabrovski and Soldiers
Poland, 1994, Josef Bem, gun
Poland, 1996, Charge of polish cavalry at Somosierra
Poland, 1997, Dabrovski arrival in Poznan
Poland, 1997, Husband and wife
Poland, 2002, Scenes from film «The Revenge»
Poland, 2003, Brandenburg Gate
Poland, 2005, Stanislaw Kostka Potocki
Poland, 2005, Arc de Triomphe de l’Etoile
Poland, 2006, Brandenburg Gate
Poland, 2009, Berek Joselewicz
Portugal, 1928, Battle of Rolica
Portugal, 1928, Battle of Rolica
Portugal, 1928, Battle of Rolica
Portugal, 1983, Balloon over Paris
Portugal, 1985, Officer, Fifth Cavalry, 1810
Portugal, 1998, Officer, and plan of Elvas Fortress, 1806
Portugal, 2003, 1806 uniform
Portugal, 2003, 1802 uniform
Portugal, 2010, Battles of Vimeiro and Bucaco
Portugal, 2010, Battles of Pombal and Grijó
Ras al-Khaima, 1969, Napoleon after Battle of Marengo
Ras al-Khaima, 1969, Napoleon crossing the Alp
Ras al-Khaima, 1969, Napoleon in coronatian robes
Ras al-Khaima, 1969, Napoleon in Malmaison
Ras al-Khaima, 1969, General Bonaparte
Ras al-Khaima, 1970, Napoleon I, King of Italy
Ras al-Khaima, 1970, Surrender of Madrid
Ras al-Khaima, 1970, Napoleon in Tilsit
Ras al-Khaima, 1970, First counsil visited abbey on St. Bernard mountain
Ras al-Khaima, 1970, Marie-Louise
Ras al-Khaima, 1970, Enter of general Bonapart to Alexandria
Ras al-Khaima, 1970, Napoleon visits the Louvre
Ras al-Khaima, 1970, Josephine
Ras al-Khaima, 1970, Napoleon and Queen Luisse of Prussia in Tilsit
Ras al-Khaima, 1970, Arrival Napoleon and Marie-Louise in Tuileries
Ras al-Khaima, 1970, Proclamation of the Empire at Saint-Cloud
Reunion, 1937, Arc de Triomphe, Notre Dame de Paris
Reunion, 1946, Victory over Arc de Triomphe
Reunion, 1946, Liberation of Paris
Reunion, 1971, De Gaulle, Arc de Triomphe
Rumania, 1951, Brandenburg Gate
Rumania, 1961, Henrich von Kleist
Rumania, 1975, On the Bank of Seine
Rumania, 1989, Rouget de Lisle singing La Marsellaise
Russia, 1904, Kremlin
Russia, 1913, Aleksander I
Russia, 1913, Pavel I
Russia, 1913, Kremlin
Russia, 1915, Aleksander I
Russia, 1992, St. Isaak Cathedral
Russia, 1992, Kremlin
Russia, 1992, George Langsdorf
Russia, 1992, «Don't Touch, Let Me Approach»
Russia, 1992, The Triumphal Arch
Russia, 1992, Cathedral of the Assumption
Russia, 1992, Cathedral of the Annunciation
Russia, 1992, Archangel Cathedral
Russia, 1992, The Triumphal Arch
Russia, 1993, Karl Shilder
Russia, 1993, Faceted Hall
Russia, 1993, Church of the Deposition of the Virgin's Robe
Russia, 1993, Grand Palace
Russia, 1994, Notre Dame Cathedral
Russia, 1994, Thon and Cathedral of Christ the Saviour
Russia, 1994, Vasily Golovin
Russia, 1994, Ivan Kruzenstern
Russia, 1994, Fyodor Litke
Russia, 1995, Alexander Griboedov
Russia, 1995, Mikhail Kutuzov, sculpture «Soldiers»
Russia, 1995, Russian church in Leipzig
Russia, 1996, Veiw of Moskow from balcon of Kremlin palace
Russia, 1996, Sledge Races in Petrovsky park
Russia, 1997, Moskow's arm, Kremlin
Russia, 1997, Cathedral of Christ the Saviour
Russia, 1997, Kremlin
Russia, 1997, Danilov monastery and prince Daniil
Russia, 1997, Manege
Russia, 1999, St. Isaak Cathedral
Russia, 1999, Russian Navy near Corfu. Portrait of Ushakov
Russia, 1999, Pushkin. In right, near table — Bulgarin and Viazemsky
Russia, 1999, Suvorov and Soldiers, Monument
Russia, 1999, Suvorov vanguard passing Lake Klontal
Russia, 2000, Kremlin
Russia, 2001, Kruzenstern's monument
Russia, 2001, Mikhailovsky castle
Russia, 2002, Triumphal Arch and Aleksander's Column
Russia, 2002, Aleksander I
Russia, 2002, Aleksander I and Karamzin
Russia, 2002, Aleksander I and Speransky
Russia, 2002, Russian troops entering Paris, 1814
Russia, 2002, Aleksander I
Russia, 2002, Danilov monastery
Russia, 2002, Pavlovsk
Russia, 2002, Barklay Monument near Kazan Cathedrals
Russia, 2002, St. Isaak Cathedral
Russia, 2002, Kolumns of Kazan Cathedral
Russia, 2003, Novodevichiy Nunnery
Russia, 2003, St. Isaak Cathedral
Russia, 2003, Triumphal Arch and Aleksander's Column
Russia, 2003, Gatchina. Pavel I monument
Russia, 2004, Borodino. Kutozov monument
Russia, 2004, Catherine II
Russia, 2004, Smolensk, 1812
Russia, 2004, Pavel I
Russia, 2004, Emperor Pavel I
Russia, 2004, Pavel I
Russia, 2005, Smolensk
Russia, 2005, Zhukovsky and prince Alexander
Russia, 2005, Zhukovsky's poem
Russia, 2005, Sloboda palace
Russia, 2005, Alexander Suvorov
Russia, 2006, Shapka of Monomach, Kremlin
Russia, 2006, Novodevichiy Nunnery
Russia, 2007, St. George's Cross; Borodino Battle
Russia, 2007, St. George's Cross; Kulnev in 1812
Russia, 2008, Agustín de Betancourt
Russia, 2008, Nikolay I, Cathedral in honor of Christ the Saviour
Russia, 2008, Russian Cossacks, Platov
Russia, 2009, Words of Kruzenstern
Russia, 2009, Illustration to Gogol's books
Russia, 2009, Matvwy Platov
Russia, 2010, Alexande's Palace
Rwanda, 1968, Arc de Triomphe de l’Etoile, Fencing
Rwanda, 1968, High-Jamping, Brandenburg gate
Rwanda, 1968, Alexandre Lenoir
Rwanda, 1969, Napoleon crossing the Alp
Rwanda, 1969, Decorating Soldier befor Tilsit
Rwanda, 1969, Napoleon Adressing Troops at Ausburg
Rwanda, 1969, Napoleon as First Consil
Rwanda, 1969, Battle of Marengo
Rwanda, 1969, Napoleon meeting Francis II
Rwanda, 1969, Bonaparte at Arcole
Rwanda, 1969, Coronation of Napoleon
Rwanda, 1970, Officer of the Imperial Horse Guards
Rwanda, 1975, Officer of the Imperial Horse Guards
Rwanda, 1975, Empresse Josephine
Rwanda, 1982, Madame Recamier
Rwanda, 1984, Baloons over Louvre
Rwanda, 1989, The Tennis Court Oath
Saar, 1947, Marshal Ney statue in Saarlouis
Saar, 1952, Count Stroganov as a boy
Samoa, 1968, Bougainville's route
Samoa, 1968, Bougainville and Compass Rose
Samoa, 1968, Bougainvillea spectabilis
Samoa, 1968, «La Boudeuse» and «L’Etoile»
Samoa, 1987, Louis-Antoine Bougainville
Samoa, 1990, Brandenburg Gate
San-Marino, 1982, Napoleon in San Marino
San-Marino, 1982, Lavoisier
San-Marino, 1982, Notre Dame de Paris
San-Marino, 1989, The Tennis Court Oath
San-Marino, 1989, Army of Napoleon
San-Marino, 1991, Brandenburg Gate and Dove
San-Marino, 1993, France. Napoleon
San-Marino, 2000, Napoleon's offer to extend territory
San-Marino, 2007, Statue of Paolina Borghese Bonaparte
San-Marino, 2008, Count d'Argout
Sao Tome e Principe, 1991, Gate of Versailles
Sao Tome e Principe, 1991, Fontainebleau Palace
Sao Tome e Principe, 1991, Paris map (1615)
Sao Tome e Principe, 2003, Kazan Cathedral and Kutuzov Monument
Sao Tome e Principe, 2003, Stroganov's palace
Sao Tome e Principe, 2003, St. Isaak Cathedral
Sao Tome e Principe, 2007, The Family of Carlos IV
Sao Tome e Principe, 2007, 3rd of May 1808 in Madrid
Sao Tome e Principe, 2008, Gorbachev, Brandenburg gate
Sao Tome e Principe, 2008, Napoleon, Alleksander I, Lucien Bonaparte
Sao Tome e Principe, 2008, Napoleon Bonaparte
Senegal, 1937, Notre Dame de Paris, Arc de Triomphe de l’Etoile
Senegal, 1937, Notre Dame de Paris, Arc de Triomphe de l’Etoile
Senegal, 1970, «Evocation of Eroica» Symphony
Senegal, 1971, Napoleon as First Consul
Senegal, 1971, Napoleon I
Senegal, 1971, Napoleon Death Scene
Senegal, 1971, The Awakening to Immortality
Serbia, 2008, Notre-Dame (Milosavljevic)
Serbia, 2008, Train, Eiffel tour, Arc de Triomphe
Serbia and Montenegro, 2006, Brandenburg Gate and Stadion
Seychelles, 2009, John Franklin
Sharjah, 1967, Ferdinand VII as general
Sharjah, 1968, Madame Seriziat with son
Sharjah, 1970, Napoleon Bonaparte
Sharjah, 1970, Napoleon in 1814
Sharjah, 1970, Bonaparte at Arcole
Sharjah, 1970, Battle of Pyramids
Sharjah, 1970, Battle of Jena
Sharjah, 1970, Napoleon Bonaparte
Sharjah, 1970, Napoleon in 1814
Sharjah, 1970, Bonaparte at Arcole
Sharjah, 1970, Battle of Pyramids
Sharjah, 1970, Battle of Jena
Sierra Leone, 1983, Airship, Brandenburg gate, 1879
Sierra Leone, 1989, Georges Danton, Louvre
Sierra Leone, 1989, Marie-Antoinette, Notre Dame de Paris
Sierra Leone, 1989, Louis XVI, Versailles
Sierra Leone, 1993, Sabine Women
Sierra Leone, 1996, Death of Socrates
Sierra Leone, 1998, HMS «Victory»
Sierra Leone, 1999, Locomotive near Arc de Triomphe de l’Etoile
Sierra Leone, 2000, Versailles and countries
Sierra Leone, 2000, Carlos IV as prince
Sierra Leone, 2003, Anna Stroganova and Her Son Sergei
Sierra Leone, 2005, Battle of Nile
Sierra Leone, 2005, The French Fleet at Trafalgar
Sierra Leone, 2005, At the commencement of the Battle of Trafalgar
Sierra Leone, 2005, At the height of the Battle of Trafalgar
Sierra Leone, 2005, Battle of Trafalgar
Slovakia, 2005, Napoleon Bonaparte and palace Pressburg
Solomon Islands, 1972, Bougainville and «La Boudeuse»
Solomon Islands, 1973, HMS «Alexander»
Solomon Islands, 1981, Francisco Maurelle
Solomon Islands, 1981, Maurelle's Map
Solomon Islands, 1981, «La Princesa»
Solomon Islands, 1981, Compass cards
Solomon Islands, 2005, Admiral Lord Nelson
Solomon Islands, 2005, HMS «Victory»
Solomon Islands, 2005, Thomas Hardy
Solomon Islands, 2005, The First Engagement
Solomon Islands, 2005, Breaking the Line
Solomon Islands, 2005, Death of admiral Nelson
Solomon Islands, 2005, Admiral Collingwood
Solomon Islands, 2005, Napoleon Bonaparte
Solomon Islands, 2005, The Destruction of The Bucentaure
Solomon Islands, 2005, Race and Chase
Solomon Islands, 2005, The Nelson Touch
Solomon Islands, 2005, The Nelson Touch
Solomon Islands, 2005, Nelson and Hardy on Deck
Solomon Islands, 2005, Nelson sends the signal
Solomon Islands, 2005, Attempted siege of HMS «Victory»
Solomon Islands, 2005, HMS «Victory» near Gibraltar
Solomon Islands, 2005, Funeral Procession on Thames
Solomon Islands, 2005, Nelson's Column
Solomon Islands, 2005, Admiral Lord Nelson
Solomon Islands, 2005, Admiral Lord Nelson; letter of Nelson
Solomon Islands, 2005, Nelson loses the sight of his eye
Solomon Islands, 2005, Nelson wounded at Tenerife, 24 July 1797
Solomon Islands, 2005, The Battle of Cape St Vincent
Solomon Islands, 2005, The Battle of the Nile
Solomon Islands, 2005, Papa and Brandenburg gate
Solomon Islands, 2005, HMS «Victory»
Solomon Islands, 2005, Battle of Trafalgar
Solomon Islands, 2005, Admiral Nelson
Spain, 1934/1935, Gaspar Melchor de Jovellanos
Spain, 1936, Nuestra Senora del Pilar
Spain, 1940, Nuestra Senora del Pilar
Spain, 1940, Oath of the Zaragoza
Spain, 1940, Oath of the Zaragoza
Spain, 1940, Nuestra Senora del Pilar
Spain, 1964, «Santissima Trinidad»
Spain, 1965, Jovellanos y Ramirez
Spain, 1966, Arms of Zaragoza
Spain, 1967, Francisko Mourelle
Spain, 1967, Valdes y Flores
Spain, 1968, Augustina d'Aragon
Spain, 1970, Lonja
Spain, 1970, El Portalon
Spain, 1973, Ferdinand VII
Spain, 1975, Infantry of the Line, 1802
Spain, 1975, Royal Corps of Artillery, 1803
Spain, 1975, Royal Engineers Regt. 1809
Spain, 1976, De Churruca Y Elorza and «San Juan de Nepomuceno»
Spain, 1976, Alcantara regiment, 1815
Spain, 1978, Jose de San Martin
Spain, 1978, Carlos IV
Spain, 1978, Ferdinand VII
Spain, 1985, «Santissima Trinidad»
Spain, 1987, The Promulgation of Constitution. 1812
Spain, 1987, The Promulgation of Constitution. 1812
Spain, 1987, The Promulgation of Constitution. 1812
Spain, 1987, Crown and Constitution
Spain, 1989, Carlos IV
Spain, 1990, Palace of Justice
Spain, 1995, Spanish ship «San Juan de Nepomuceno»
Spain, 1996, 3rd of May 1808 in Madrid
Spain, 1996, Vitoria-Gasteiz
Spain, 1997, Naval defence of Tenerife
Spain, 1999, Aljaferia palace
Spain, 2002, Book of Jovellanos
Spain, 2002, Carlos IV and Napoleon
Spain, 2002, Manuel de Godoy
Spain, 2002, Famous place of Aragon
Spain, 2002, St. Maria Cathedral in Vitoria
Spain, 2003, Agustín de Betancourt ó Molina
Spain, 2003, Roman theatre
Spain, 2008, Saragossa
Spain, 2011, Gaspar Melchor de Jovellanos
St. Helena Island, 1903, Goverment house
St. Helena Island, 1903, The Wharf
St. Helena Island, 1903, Goverment house
St. Helena Island, 1903, The Wharf
St. Helena Island, 1903, Goverment house
St. Helena Island, 1903, The Wharf
St. Helena Island, 1912/1916, Goverment house
St. Helena Island, 1912/1916, The Wharf
St. Helena Island, 1912/1916, The Wharf
St. Helena Island, 1912/1916, Goverment house
St. Helena Island, 1912/1916, The Wharf
St. Helena Island, 1912/1916, Goverment house
St. Helena Island, 1912/1916, The Wharf
St. Helena Island, 1912/1916, Goverment house
St. Helena Island, 1912/1916, The Wharf
St. Helena Island, 1912/1916, The Wharf
St. Helena Island, 1922, Goverment house
St. Helena Island, 1922, The Wharf
St. Helena Island, 1922, Goverment house
St. Helena Island, 1934, Lot and Lot's Wife
St. Helena Island, 1934, The «Plantation»
St. Helena Island, 1934, Map of St. Helena
St. Helena Island, 1934, Quay, Jamestown
St. Helena Island, 1934, James valley and Longwood house
St. Helena Island, 1934, Jamestown
St. Helena Island, 1934, Munden's Promontory
St. Helena Island, 1934, High Knoll
St. Helena Island, 1953, Flax plantation
St. Helena Island, 1953, Heart-shaped Waterfall
St. Helena Island, 1953, Flax plantation
St. Helena Island, 1953, Flagstaff and the The Barn hills
St. Helena Island, 1953, Map of St. Helena
St. Helena Island, 1953, The Castle
St. Helena Island, 1953, Jamestown
St. Helena Island, 1953, Longwood
St. Helena Island, 1968, Maps of Tristan and St. Helena
St. Helena Island, 1968, Maps of Tristan and St. Helena
St. Helena Island, 1968, Maps of Tristan and St. Helena
St. Helena Island, 1968, Maps of Tristan and St. Helena
St. Helena Island, 1968, Hudson Low
St. Helena Island, 1968, Hudson Low
St. Helena Island, 1968, George Bingham
St. Helena Island, 1968, George Bingham
St. Helena Island, 1969, W. O. and Drammer of the 53rd Foot, 1815
St. Helena Island, 1970, Officer's Shako Plate (20th Foot)
St. Helena Island, 1970, Ensign's Shako (53rd Foot)
St. Helena Island, 1971, Napoleon crossing the Alp; Napoleon's Tomb
St. Helena Island, 1971, Napoleon on St. Helena
St. Helena Island, 1971, Artillery Private's hanger
St. Helena Island, 1972, Military pistol, c. 1800
St. Helena Island, 1973, Shako (53rd Foot)
St. Helena Island, 1976, High Knoll. 1806
St. Helena Island, 1976, The Friar rock in Friars Valley. 1815
St. Helena Island, 1976, Column Lot. 1815
St. Helena Island, 1976, Sandy Bay Valley, 1809
St. Helena Island, 1976, The castle Terrace. 1815
St. Helena Island, 1976, The Briars. 1815
St. Helena Island, 1976, Plantation House. 1821
St. Helena Island, 1976, Longwood
St. Helena Island, 1976, St. James's Valley. 1815
St. Helena Island, 1976, St. Helena. 1815
St. Helena Island, 1976, Sugar Loaf Hill. 1821
St. Helena Island, 1979, R. F. Seal's Chart of 1823
St. Helena Island, 1979, Jamestown and Inclined Plane
St. Helena Island, 1980, Tomb of Napoleon in 1848
St. Helena Island, 1980, Arrival on St. Helena
St. Helena Island, 1980, Near the tomb of Napoleon
St. Helena Island, 1980, Jamestown Castle post stone
St. Helena Island, 1980, The Briars
St. Helena Island, 1980, Wellington
St. Helena Island, 1981, Map of St. Helena (1815)
St. Helena Island, 1981, Map of St. Helena (1817)
St. Helena Island, 1983, King and Queen Rocks
St. Helena Island, 1983, Turk's Cap
St. Helena Island, 1983, Coastline from Jamestown
St. Helena Island, 1983, Mundens Point
St. Helena Island, 1984, Lot and Lot's Wife
St. Helena Island, 1984, The «Plantation»
St. Helena Island, 1984, Map of island
St. Helena Island, 1984, Quay, Jamestown
St. Helena Island, 1984, James valley and Longwood house
St. Helena Island, 1984, Jamestown
St. Helena Island, 1984, Munden's Promontory
St. Helena Island, 1984, High Knoll
St. Helena Island, 1986, Ivan Kruzenstern, «Nadezhda»
St. Helena Island, 1986, William Bligh, HMS «Resolution»
St. Helena Island, 1986, de Bougainville, «La Boudeuse»
St. Helena Island, 1986, Fyodor Litke, «Senyavin»
St. Helena Island, 1988, HMS «Providence» and Bligh's Signature (1792)
St. Helena Island, 1989, Private, 53rd Foot. 1815
St. Helena Island, 1989, Officer, 53rd Foot. 1815
St. Helena Island, 1989, Royal marine. 1815
St. Helena Island, 1989, Officer, 66th Foot. 1815
St. Helena Island, 1989, Private, 66th Foot. 1815
St. Helena Island, 1990, Funeral Cortege, Jamestown Wharf
St. Helena Island, 1990, Coffin being conveyed to the «La Belle Poule»
St. Helena Island, 1990, Transfer of the Coffin to the «Normandie»
St. Helena Island, 1990, Napoleon's Tomb
St. Helena Island, 1992, HMS «Providence» and breadfruit
St. Helena Island, 1992, Governor Brooke and Plantation house
St. Helena Island, 1996, Mr. Porteous's House
St. Helena Island, 1996, The Briars
St. Helena Island, 1996, Longwood
St. Helena Island, 1996, Tomb of Napoleon
St. Helena Island, 1998, HMS «Northumberland»
St. Helena Island, 1998, French ship «La Belle Poule»
St. Helena Island, 1999, St. Helena stamp. Invalides
St. Helena Island, 2000, Hudson Low and George Bingham
St. Helena Island, 2000, Napoleon, British warship, funeral cortege
St. Helena Island, 2001, Napoleon Bonaparte First Consul
St. Helena Island, 2001, Napoleon in military school
St. Helena Island, 2001, Napoleon dansing
St. Helena Island, 2001, Napoleon with his nerhews
St. Helena Island, 2002, Jamestown, William Doveton
St. Helena Island, 2003, Tomb of Napoleon; Briars
St. Helena Island, 2003, Sand plover; Longwood
St. Helena Island, 2005, The Friar
St. Helena Island, 2005, Sugar Loaf
St. Helena Island, 2005, The Turk's Cup
St. Helena Island, 2005, Lot's Wife
St. Helena Island, 2005, HMS Bellerophon
St. Helena Island, 2005, British 18 pounder cannon
St. Helena Island, 2005, HMS «Victory»
St. Helena Island, 2005, British First Leutenant
St. Helena Island, 2005, HMS «Conquerer»
St. Helena Island, 2005, Admiral Lord Nelson
St. Helena Island, 2005, Admiral Collingwood; HMS «Royal Soverign»
St. Helena Island, 2005, HMS «Victory»
St. Helena Island, 2005, Battle of Trafalgar
St. Helena Island, 2005, Admiral Nelson
St. Helena Island, 2007, Trafalgar Square
St. Helena Island, 2007, Napoleon II
St. Helena Island, 2007, Napoleon I
St. Helena Island, 2007, Napoleon III
St. Helena Island, 2009, Briars, Napoleon and Betsy Balcombe
St. Kitts, 1980, HMS «Vanguard», ship of Nelson
St. Kitts, 1980, HMS «Boreas», 1787
St. Kitts, 1981, Battalion Company sergeant, 3rd Regt, 1801
St. Kitts, 1981, Battalion Company Officer, 45th Regt, 1796/1797
St. Kitts, 1982, Admiral Hood
St. Kitts, 1983, Light Company Private, 15th Regiment, 1814
St. Kitts, 1983, Battalion Company Officer, 11th Regt, 1804
St. Kitts, 1987, Sergeant 3rd Regt of Foot, 1801
St. Kitts, 1987, Officer, French Artillery, 1812
St. Kitts, 1987, Grenadier of the Line, 1796
St. Kitts, 1989, Conflict on the Champ-de-Üars
St. Kitts, 2005, «Montagne»
St. Kitts, 2005, «San Jose»
St. Kitts, 2005, The French ship «Imperieuse»
St. Kitts, 2005, HMS «Victory»
St. Kitts, 2005, British navy gun crew
St. Kitts-Nevis, 1963/1969, Nelson's Spring, Nevis
St. Kitts-Nevis, 1980, Nevis Lagoon
St. Kitts-Nevis, 1980, Fig Tree Church
St. Kitts-Nevis, 1980, Nisbet Plantation
St. Kitts-Nevis, 1980, Admiral Lord Nelson
St. Kitts-Nevis, 1980, Nelson Falling
St. Lucia, 1936, Inniskilling Monument
St. Lucia, 1969, Napoleon and Josephine
St. Lucia, 1969, Napoleon and Josephine
St. Lucia, 1969, Napoleon and Josephine
St. Lucia, 1969, Napoleon and Josephine
St. Lucia, 1974, Sir John Moore
St. Lucia, 1974, Sir Dudley Hill
St. Lucia, 1984, Waterloo, George III
St. Lucia, 1984, George III
St. Lucia, 1984, George III, Battle of Trafalgar
St. Lucia, 1985/1989, Gunner, Royal Altillery, 1796
St. Lucia, 1985/1989, Private, 93rd Foot. 1803
St. Lucia, 1985/1989, Private, 1st West India Regt, 1803
St. Lucia, 1989, Arrival of Captain Lacrosse, 1792
St. Lucia, 2001, Napoleon, French flag
St. Lucia, 2001, George III
St. Lucia, 2001, George IV
St. Lucia, 2002, HMS «Victory»
St. Lucia, 2005, HMS «Thunderer» in action off Saint Lucia
St. Lucia, 2005, HMS «Britania» in action against the «Bucentaure»
St. Lucia, 2005, Admiral Lord Nelson
St. Lucia, 2005, HMS «Victory»
St. Lucia, 2005, HMS «Thunderer»
St. Pierre and Miquelon, 1937, Notre Dame de Paris, Arc de Triomphe de l’Etoile
St. Pierre and Miquelon, 1946, Victory and Arc de Triomphe de l’Etoile
St. Pierre and Miquelon, 1946, Liberation of Paris
St. Pierre and Miquelon, 1964, Grande Palais, Horses of Marlies
St. Pierre and Miquelon, 1968, Chateaubriand, ship
St. Pierre and Miquelon, 1998, Savary, Bourbone palace
St. Vincent, 1972, Sir Charles Brisbane
St. Vincent, 1972, HMS «Arethusa»
St. Vincent, 1972, HMS «Blake»
St. Vincent, 1975, George III, George Washington
St. Vincent, 1977, George II, George III, George IV
St. Vincent, 1990, Officer, Royal Engineers, 1813
St. Vincent, 1991, Protestor with banner
St. Vincent, 1991, Building Berlin Wall
St. Vincent, 1991, German Flag
St. Vincent, 1991, Bush and Gorbachev
St. Vincent, 1991, Coat of Arms of Berlin
St. Vincent, 1991, Brandenburg Gate
St. Vincent, 1991, Brandenburg Gate
St. Vincent, 1993, Wounded Cuirassier
St. Vincent, 1993, Officer of the Imperial Horse Guards
St. Vincent, 1994, Captain Bligh with breadfruit plant
St. Vincent, 1995, Brandenburg Gate
St. Vincent, 1996, Notre Dame de Paris
St. Vincent, 1999, Pacific Steam Locomotive
St. Vincent, 2002, Battle of Waterloo
St. Vincent, 2004, Portrait of Count N. D. Guriev
St. Vincent, 2004, Napoleon Bonaparte on the Bridge at Arcole
St. Vincent, 2004, Portrait of General Alexey Yermolov
St. Vincent, 2004, Thomas Hardy
St. Vincent, 2004, Napoleon Bonaparte
St. Vincent, 2004, Admiral Lord Nelson
St. Vincent, 2004, Admiral Collingwood
St. Vincent, 2004, Nelson explaining to the officers the plan of attack
St. Vincent, 2004, HMS «Victory»
St. Vincent (Grenadines), 1991, Mikhail Gorbachev
St. Vincent (Grenadines), 1991, Sign
St. Vincent (Grenadines), 1991, Sculpture
St. Vincent (Grenadines), 1991, Berlin police insignia
St. Vincent (Grenadines), 1991, Coat of Arms of Berlin
Suriname, 1963, William I
Suriname, 1981, Monument to Archducke Charles in Wien
Suriname, 1989, Joseph Nicephore Niepce
Sweden, 1973, Charles XVI John
Sweden, 1994, Banquet for Gustav III at the Trianon
Sweden, 1994, Charles XVI John
Sweden, 1999, Charles XVI John riksdaler
Sweden, 2005, Garbo in film «Conquest»
Switzerland, 1937, General Dufour
Switzerland, 1969, Germaine de Stael
Switzerland, 1999, Suvorov and Soldiers, Monument
Switzerland, 1999, Suvorov vanguard passing Lake Klontal
Tanzania, 1999, French balloon over Military School
Tanzania, 1999, Scott Grays at Waterloo
Tanzania, 1999, Nelson, HMS «Victory» at Trafalgar
Tanzania, 1999, Siege of Salamanca
Tanzania, 1999, HMS «Leander» at the Nile
Tanzania, 1999, Battle of Albuera
Territory of the French Southern & Antarctic Lands, 2000, Eiffel Tower and Arc de Triomphe
Togo, 1937, Notre Dame de Paris, Arc de Triomphe de l’Etoile
Togo, 1971, Napoleon I
Togo, 1971, Napoleon I
Togo, 1978, Duke of Wellington
Togo, 1980, Napoleon on the Imperial Throne
Togo, 1980, Notre Dame de Paris
Togo, 1987, Wilhelm I Coin
Togo, 1987, Brandenburg Gate
Togo, 1989, The Tennis Court Oath
Togo, 1989, Talleyrand and Lafayette
Togo, 1989, Barras, Robespiere
Togo, 2000, HMS «Victory»
Togo, 2000, George IV
Tonga, 1981, Landing scene
Tonga, 1981, Map of Vava'u
Tonga, 1981, «La Princesa»
Tonga, 1981, «La Princesa»
Tonga, 1981, «La Princesa»
Tonga, 1984, Captain Bligh, HMS «Bounty»
Tonga, 1985, Francisco Maurelle, «La Princesa»
Tonga, 1985, Quintal and Blygh
Tonga, 1985, Captain Bligh and prisoners
Tonga, 1985, Mutineers threatening Bligh
Tonga, 1985, Bligh in boat
Tonga, 1989, Captain Bligh
Tonga, 1989, Mutiny on «Bounty»
Tonga, 1999, William Bligh, «Bounty»
Trinidad & Tobago, 1984, Toussaint L'Ouverture
Tristan da Cunha, 1971, HMD «Victory»; Thomas Swain helping wounded Nelson
Tristan da Cunha, 2000, George III
Tristan da Cunha, 2000, George IV
Tristan da Cunha, 2005, Nelson's Quadrant
Tristan da Cunha, 2005, HMS «Royal Sovereign» breaks the line
Tristan da Cunha, 2005, Thomas Swain helping wounded Lord Nelson
Tristan da Cunha, 2005, HMS «Victory» breaks the line
Tristan da Cunha, 2005, Admiral Lord Nelson
Tristan da Cunha, 2005, HMS «Victory»
Tristan da Cunha, 2005, Thomas Hardy; HMS «Victory»
Tristan da Cunha, 2005, HMS «Victory»
Tristan da Cunha, 2005, Battle of Trafalgar
Tristan da Cunha, 2005, Admiral Nelson
Tristan da Cunha, 2006, Thomas Swain
Tristan da Cunha, 2010, Lord Nelson and HMS «Victory»
Tunisia, 1943, Marsellaisa
Tunisia, 1954, Lavalette
Turkmenistan, 1998, Napoleon playing chess
Turks & Caicos, 1975, Officer, 67th Foot, 1798
Turks & Caicos, 1980, Nelson's column
Turks & Caicos, 1983/1985, HMS «Boreas»
Turks & Caicos, 1984, Doyle, «A Story of Waterloo»
Turks & Caicos, 1985, Admiral Lord Nelson
Turks & Caicos, 1985, George Cockburn
Turks & Caicos, 1991, In the Jardin du Luxembourg
Turks & Caicos, 1991, The Pont du Carrousel and the Louvre
Turks & Caicos, 1995, Arc de Triomphe
Tuvalu, 1994, Brandenburg Gate and football player
Tuvalu, 2005, Battle of Trafalgar; Admiral Nelson
Tuvalu, 2005, Admiral Collingwood
Uganda, 1991, Man breaking pieces from Berlin wall
Uganda, 1993, Notre Dame, Paris
Uganda, 1993, Ulm Cathedrals
Uganda, 1995, Brandenburg Gate
Ukraine, 1998, Yuri Lisyansky, map
Ukraine, 2000, Ushakov's flagman ship «St. Paul»
Ukraine, 2000, Frigate «St. Nicolas»
Ukraine, 2002, Ivan the Great, Pavlo Teterya
Ukraine, 2003, Aleksander Zasyadko
Ukraine, 2009, Ilia Lizogub
Ukraine, 2011, Simbolic picture with Arc of Triomphe
Umm al Quiwain, 1966, Stamps of Belguim and Egypte
Umm al Quiwain, 1969, Film «Munity on the Bounty»
Umm al Quiwain, 1970, Overprint Napoleon
UNO (Geneva), 1992, The Tennis Court Oath
UNO (Geneva), 2006, Notre Dame Cathedral
UNO (New York), 2006, Notre Dame Cathedral
UNO (New York), 2006, Notre Dame Cathedral
UNO (Wienna), 2006, Notre Dame Cathedral
Upper Volta, 1969, Napoleon crossing Alps
Upper Volta, 1969, First presentation of the Legion of Honour
Upper Volta, 1969, Napoleon before Madrid
Upper Volta, 1973, Napoleon I, Lion
Upper Volta, 1976, HMS «Victory» at St. Vincent
Uruguay, 1978, San Martin
Uruguay, 1998, Brandenburg Gate, car and Adenauer
USA, 1945, US Troops marching through Paris
USA, 1953, Barbé-Marbois sold Louisiana
USA, 1959, San Martin
USA, 1959, San Martin
USA, 2003, François Barbé-Marbois sold Louisiana
USSR, 1925, Decembrists
USSR, 1932, Storming of Winter Palace
USSR, 1941, Zhukovsky, Petrovsky palace
USSR, 1941, Storming of Izmail
USSR, 1941, Storming of Izmail
USSR, 1941, Alexander Suvorov
USSR, 1941, Alexander Suvorov
USSR, 1941, Spassky Tower
USSR, 1941, Moskow. Kremlin
USSR, 1941, Crossing of the Alps by Suvorov
USSR, 1941, Crossing of the Alps by Suvorov
USSR, 1943, Storming of Winter Palace
USSR, 1943, Order of Suvorov
USSR, 1944, Leningrad. St. Isaak Cathedral
USSR, 1944, Order of Suvorov
USSR, 1944, Order of Kutuzov
USSR, 1944, Order of Kutuzov
USSR, 1944, Order of Suvorov
USSR, 1944, Leningrad. St. Isaak Cathedral
USSR, 1945, Order of Ushakov
USSR, 1945, Aleksander Griboedov
USSR, 1945, Aleksander Griboedov
USSR, 1945, Mikhail Kutuzov
USSR, 1945, Mikhail Kutuzov
USSR, 1946, Kremlin, «Ivan the Great»
USSR, 1946, Moskow. Kremlin
USSR, 1946, Moskow. Kremlin
USSR, 1946, Spassky Tower
USSR, 1947, Fyodor Litke
USSR, 1947, Fyodor Litke
USSR, 1947, Kremlin
USSR, 1947, Moskow. Kremlin
USSR, 1947, Moskow. Kremlin
USSR, 1947, Kremlin
USSR, 1947, Kremlin
USSR, 1948, Leningrad Workers, St. Isaak Cathedral
USSR, 1948, Spassky Tower
USSR, 1948, Stasov, Pavlovsky Barracks
USSR, 1949, Pushkin reading his poems to Southern Society
USSR, 1949, Pushkin reading his poems to Southern Society
USSR, 1949, Plane over St. Isaak Cathedral
USSR, 1949, Plane over Kremlin
USSR, 1950, Aleksander Suvorov
USSR, 1950, Crossing of the Alps by Suvorov
USSR, 1950, Order of Suvorov, military parade
USSR, 1950, Aleksander Suvorov
USSR, 1950, Suvorov in Alps
USSR, 1950, Bellinsgauzen and Lazarev
USSR, 1950, Ships «Mirnyi» and «Vostok», Map of Antartica
USSR, 1950, Decembrists
USSR, 1951, Alexander Alyabiev
USSR, 1952, Vasily Zhukovsky
USSR, 1954, Aleksander Griboedov
USSR, 1954, Aleksander Griboedov
USSR, 1954, Pushkn, Zhukovsky and Glinka
USSR, 1955, Storming of Winter Palace
USSR, 1956, Aleksander Suvorov
USSR, 1956, Aleksander Suvorov
USSR, 1956, Aleksander Suvorov
USSR, 1956, Lev Tolstoy, «War and Peace»
USSR, 1957, Kremlin
USSR, 1959, Aleksander Griboedov, «Wit Works Woe»
USSR, 1959, Ivan Krilov, «The Wolf on a kennel»
USSR, 1960, Voronikhin and Kazan cathedral
USSR, 1961, Kremlin
USSR, 1962, Barclay de Tolly, Kutuzov and Bagration
USSR, 1962, Denis Davidov and partisans
USSR, 1962, Borodino Battle
USSR, 1962, Vasilisa Kozhina
USSR, 1965, St. Isaak Cathedral (1941)
USSR, 1966, Aleksander's Column
USSR, 1967, Towers of Kremlin
USSR, 1967, Cathedral of the Annunication
USSR, 1967, Towers of Kremlin
USSR, 1967, Kremlin, «Ivan the Great»
USSR, 1967, Towers of Kremlin
USSR, 1968, Order of Oktober Revolution
USSR, 1968, Silver Medal «Philatec», Paris (1964)
USSR, 1968, Plaque, «Debria», Berlin
USSR, 1968, The Celebration in Uritsky Square
USSR, 1969, DDR Arms and Brandenburg Gate
USSR, 1970, Lenin, Palace Squarre
USSR, 1971, Smolensk. Kremlin
USSR, 1971, Moskow. Kremlin
USSR, 1973, Spassky Tower and Eiffel tower
USSR, 1973, Spassky Tower and Eiffel tower
USSR, 1974, Jacques Louis David
USSR, 1975, Laurinston and Kutuzov
USSR, 1975, Decembrists on Senate Square
USSR, 1976, Moskow. Kremlin
USSR, 1978, Kremlin
USSR, 1980, Leningrad. St. Isaak Cathedral
USSR, 1980, Kutuzov Monument (in right ring)
USSR, 1980, Kremlin
USSR, 1980, Aleksander Suvorov
USSR, 1981, Horse tram, The Triumphal Arch
USSR, 1982, Denis (?) Davidov
USSR, 1982, Telephone, St. Isaak Cathedral
USSR, 1982, Pavel Shilling
USSR, 1982/1984, Spassky Tower
USSR, 1986, Kremlin
USSR, 1986, View of the Kremlin in foul Weather
USSR, 1986, Pavel I Monument
USSR, 1987, Borodino Battle
USSR, 1987, Kremlin at winter
USSR, 1987, Fyodor Ushakov and Storming of Corfu
USSR, 1987, Dmitry Senyavin
USSR, 1987, Mikhail Lazarev
USSR, 1989, Marsellaise
USSR, 1990, Kremlin
USSR, 1991, LZ-127 over Cathedral of Christ the Saviour
Vanuatu, 1983, Balloon over Louvre
Vanuatu, 1989, Bougainville and Biigh
Vanuatu, 1990, De Gaulle near Arc de Triumphe
Vanuatu, 1999, Bougainville, «La Boudeuse»
Vanuatu, 2009, Vasiliy Golovvnin
Vatican, 1953, Pius VI
Vatican, 1958, Pius VI
Vatican, 1958, Pius VII
Vatican, 1981, Notre-Dame
Vatican, 1997, John Paul II, Brandenburg Gate
Vatican, 2000, Pius VI
Vatican, 2003, Brandenburg Gate
Vatican, 2007, Goldoni, actors and Notre-Dame
Vatican, 2007, Brandenburg Gate
Vatican, 2010, Moscow's Burning
Venezuela, 1968, Miranda and Arch de Triumph
Venezuela, 1979, Jose de San Martin
Venezuela, 1979, Jose de San Martin
Venezuela, 1979, Monument of San Martin
Venezuela, 1979, San martine's Signature
Venezuela, 1979, Alexandre Petion
Venezuela, 1979, Alexandre Petion
Venezuela, 1982, Monument of San Martin and Bolivar
Venezuela, 1982, Monument of San Martin and Bolivar
Venezuela, 1982, Monument of San Martin and Bolivar
Venezuela, 2009, Francisco Miranda, Arc de Triomphe
Vietnam, 1983, Balloon over Versalles
Vietnam, 1989, The Tennis Court Oath
Vietnam, 1989, Death of Marat
Vietnam, 1989, Brandenburg gate
Virgin Islands, 1970/1974, HMS «Boreas»
Virgin Islands, 1972, Seaman, 1800. HMS «Naiad» at Trafalgar
Virgin Islands, 1972, Boatsman, Trafalgar
Virgin Islands, 1972, Captain, Trafalgar
Virgin Islands, 1972, Admiral. Trafalgar
Virgin Islands, 1975, Figurhead from HMS «Boreas»
Virgin Islands, 1986, Nelson's Signal at Trafalgar
Virgin Islands, 2000, George III
Virgin Islands, 2002, HMS «Boreas» and HMS «Solebay»
Virgin Islands, 2005, HMS «Colossus»
Virgin Islands, 2005, HMS «Boreas» on Virgin Islands in 1797
Virgin Islands, 2005, HMS «Victory»
Virgin Islands, 2005, Admiral Lord Nelson
Virgin Islands, 2005, HMS «Colossus»
Wallis & Futuna, 1946, Victory and Arc de Triomphe de l’Etoile
Wallis & Futuna, 1946, Liberation of Paris
Wallis & Futuna, 1964, Grande Palais, Horses of Marlies
Wallis & Futuna, 1973, Bougainville, «La Boudeuse»
Wallis & Futuna, 1976, Concorde, Arc de Triomphe de l’Etoile
Wallis & Futuna, 1982, Stamp of Wallis and Futuna
Wallis & Futuna, 1983, Joseph Nicephore Niepce
Wallis & Futuna, 1986, Statue of Liberty, Paris
Wallis & Futuna, 1988, Carco, Montmartre
Wallis & Futuna, 1993, Louvre
Wallis & Futuna, 1993, Marsellaisa
Wallis & Futuna, 1997, Leclerc, Notre Dame de Paris
Wallis & Futuna, 1999, Senate and Marianne
YAR, 1969, Napoleon as Artillery Lieutenant
YAR, 1969, Napoleon as Lieutenant Colonel
YAR, 1969, Napoleon as First Consul
YAR, 1969, Napoleon Adressing Troops at Ausburg
YAR, 1969, Napoleon crossing the Alp
YAR, 1969, Napoleon in 1814
YAR, 1969, Napoleon on Horseback
YAR, 1969, Napoleon as Artillery Lieutenant
YAR, 1969, Napoleon as Lieutenant Colonel
YAR, 1969, Napoleon as First Consul
YAR, 1969, Napoleon Adressing Troops at Ausburg
YAR, 1969, Napoleon crossing the Alp
YAR, 1969, Napoleon in 1814
YAR, 1969, Napoleon on Horseback
YAR, 1969, Napoleon I
YAR, 1969, Napoleon I
Yemen (South), 1989, Seera Rock, Arc de Triomphe de l’Etoile
Yugoslavia, 1989, Panorame of Dubrovniki; on the right — Marmont
Yugoslavia, 1989, Notre Dame, Paris
Zaire / Congo, 1980, Map of Africa, Leopold I
Zambia, 1999, Train near Notre Dame de Paris
Zambia, 2000, Brandenburg Gate
France, 1940, La Marseillaise
France, 1984, Plane over Paris
France, 1984, Panorama of Paris
France, 1996, Sanguinaries Islands, Ajaccio
France, 1996, Panorama of Paris
France, 1996, Louvre
France, 1996, Notre Dame de Paris
France, 1997, Pardallian, Notre Dame
France, 1999, Louvre, Invalides
France, 1999, Napoleon monument in La Roche sur Yon
France, 2000, Luxembourg Palace
France, 2000, Marshal Lannes
France, 2001, Fontainebleau
France, 2002, Death Bicentenary of Louis Delgres
France, 2003, Fontainebleau, Dance Hall
France, 2003, Fontainebleau, Josephine's bedroom
France, 2003, Fontainebleau, Salon Francois 1st
France, 2003, Montmartre
France, 2003, Montmartre
France, 2003, Montmartre
France, 2003, Museum of Champollion
France, 2003, Museum of Champollion
France, 2003, Fontainebleau
France, 2004, Arc de Triomphe
France, 2004, Louvre
France, 2004, Napoleon and Soldier
France, 2004, Napoleon on the Horse
France, 2004, Palais de l'Elysee
France, 2004, Palais de l'Elysee
France, 2004, Palais de l'Elysee
France, 2004, Palais de l'Elysee
France, 2004, Palais de l'Elysee
France, 2004, Two soldiers
France, 2004, Plane over Paris
France, 2004, Plane over Paris
France, 2004, Notre Dame de Paris
France, 2004, Panorama of Paris
France, 2004, Notre Dame de Paris
France, 2004, Louvre
France, 2004, Bonifasio
France, 2004, Santa Guilia
France, 2004, Bavella
France, 2004, Port Ajaccio
France, 2004, Corse. Genoese tower
France, 2004, Port Bastia
France, 2004, Corse. La Restonica
France, 2004, Calvi
France, 2004, Corse. Etang d'Urbino
France, 2004, Elpa Nera. Galerea
France, 2004, Bonifasio
France, 2004, Santa Guilia
France, 2004, Bavella
France, 2004, Port Ajaccio
France, 2004, Corse. Genoese tower
France, 2004, Port Bastia
France, 2004, Corse. La Restonica
France, 2004, Calvi
France, 2004, Corse. Etang d'Urbino
France, 2004, Elpa Nera. Galerea
France, 2005, Arc de Triomphe de l’Etoile
France, 2005, Arc de Triomphe de l’Etoile
France, 2005, Arc de Triomphe de l’Etoile
France, 2005, La Madeleine
France, 2005, Monument of Moncey
France, 2005, Moulin de Valmy; Kellerman
France, 2005, Palais de la Bourse
France, 2005, Prayssac. Monument of Bessieres
France, 2006, House of Chateaubriand, Chatenay Malabry
France, 2006, Institut de France
France, 2006, Louvre
France, 2006, Madeleine
France, 2006, Mannequin and Place Vendome
France, 2006, Napoleon monument in La Roche sur Yon
France, 2006, Notre Dame de Paris
France, 2006, Versailles. Marble Courtyard
France, 2006, Versailles. Fontain of Latona
France, 2006, Versailles. Formal Gardens
France, 2006, Versailles. Bassin d'Apollon
France, 2006, Versailles. The Water Parterre's
France, 2007, Arc de Triomphe
France, 2007, Arc de Triomphe
France, 2007, Arc de Triomphe
France, 2007, Arc de Triomphe
France, 2007, Champs Elysees
France, 2007, Notre-Dame, Arc de Triomphe
France, 2007, Stendhal
France, 2007, Versailles, Essonne
France, 2007, Versailles, L'abbaye des Vaux de Cernay
France, 2007, Versailles, La Defence
France, 2007, Versailles, Seine-et-Marne
France, 2007, Versailles, Tour Eiffel
France, 2008, Stamp with Arc de Triomphe
France, 2008, Statue of General de Blanmont in Gisors
France, 2008, «Confiance»
France, 2010, Chateau de Valencay
Russia, 1995, Birth Bicentenary of Rileev
France, 1935, Notre Dame de Paris
France, 1935, Arc de Triomphe
France, 1935, Concorde and Madeleine
France, 1935, Tomb of Napoleon
France, 1935, Madeleine
France, 1935, Pantheon
France, 1935, Louvre
France, 1936, Notre Dame de Paris
France, 1936, Arc de Triomphe
France, 1936, Concorde and Madeleine
France, 1936, Tomb of Napoleon
France, 1936, Madeleine
France, 1936, Pantheon
France, 1936, Louvre
France, 1938, Versailles
France, 1938, Arc de Triomphe
France, 1938, Arc de Triomphe
France, 1939, Arc de Triomphe
France, 1939, Arc de Triomphe
France, 1978, «Sabine»
France, 1978, «Sabine»
France, 1979, «Sabine»
France, 1980, «Sabine»
France, 1981, «Sabine»
France, 1989, Panorama of Paris
France, 1989, Louvre
France, 1989, Notre Dame de Paris
France, 2005, Arc de Triomphe de l’Etoile